P. 239
Information Sources and Services
Notes 12.4 Importance of Bibliographical Sources
Bibliographies of rare and old books include Book Prices Current. The Cumulative Book Index
is a monthly bibliography of books in the English language that cumulates annually. The
Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature is useful for British publications, and the
Bibliographic Guide to the Study of the Literature of the U.S.A., by C. L. Gohdes, for American
works. The Bibliographical Index, which is cumulative, and World Bibliography of Bibliographies
are useful compilations. Bibliographies help you:
identify important and relevant sources on a topic
find what research has already been done on a topic
find articles and books written by or about a particular person
find out where to look for relevant information
The importance of bibliography in research paper writing cannot be denied. Bibliography is the
key to describe that research was genuine. References show the hard work of the author. It is not
easy to write this part of research paper. Research paper service can help you to write this section
easily. Whenever you will be assigned a research paper topic, number of sources will be given
to you. Your instructor will assign you these sources and you will have to gather the information
from these sources. If you are using any research paper service you have to give this information
to them. Otherwise, you will not fulfil the requirement of your teacher. Sometimes your instructor
gives you additional advice.
Example: Your teacher wants you to use only books and articles for your research not
web. Moreover, they can ask you to stick with the certain period of time. Like use the books of
1990. In this condition you have to tell the requirement briefly to the research paper service
providers. They will work according to your demand.
If you are not confident about research paper bibliography then, contact to a research paper
service. There are so many research paper service providers who offer their services on affordable
Bibliography is the important part of research paper writing. It shows the originality of research
work. We have discussed the importance of bibliography.
Caution While placing your order to research paper service providers make sure that your
given information also contains the bibliography.
Sometimes, insignificant-looking things prove to be valuable or it causes considerable losses in
our life. For instance, we ignore a minor traffic rule and meet with an accident, or we refuse to
join a friend group during night and next morning we hear that they met with an accident.
Exactly the same types of situations occur when you take care of or ignore bibliography page of
thesis or dissertation.
The bibliography (also called references) is a list of referred, used, or quoted resources, sources,
or materials. You, as the thesis writers, enlist all resources that have their “influences” in your
paper by one way or the other. The term influence leads us to understand the real value of the
bibliography, as bigger as that of the plagiarism.
As you know, the plagiarism is a copying or reproduction of a written material or ideas with the
claim as if it is one’s own creation. But, to escape from plagiarism, there is no need to refrain
from others’ materials or the bibliography page.