P. 106

Unit 5: Management of Library Automation

          Planning: The process of setting goals, developing strategies, and outlining tasks and schedules  Notes
          to accomplish the goals.
          Record Labels: A record label is a brand and a trademark associated with the marketing of music
          recordings and music videos.
          Retrospective Conversion: Retrospective conversion is the process of turning a library’s existing
          paper catalogue record into a machine readable form.
          Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML): SGML is a standard for how to specify a
          document markup language or tag set.
          Standards: Concept, norm, or principle established by agreement, authority, or custom, and
          used generally as an example or model to compare or measure the quality or performance of a
          practice or procedure.
          Universal MARC Format (UNIMARC): UNIMARC is an international standard maintained by
          the International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA) to facilitate the
          international exchange of data in machine-readable form between national bibliographic

          5.6 Review Questions

          1.   “Planners need to be aware that there is certain cost elements involved in the installation
               and operation of any automated system.” Elucidate.
          2.   What is planning for library automation?
          3.   Discuss the basic steps involved in library planning process.
          4.   Explain standard in the field of library and information science.
          5.   Highlight the three elements involved in MARC.
          6.   What are the five types of data which are defined in formats?

          7.   Describe the three main sections in MARC record.
          8.   Write brief note on UNIMARC.
          9.   Explain the structure and limitations of CCF.
          10.  Define Retrospective conversion.
          11.  Highlight the need and objectives of Retrospective Conversion.

          12.  Examine the problems in Retrospective Conversion.
          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   True                              2.  True
          3.   False                            4.   True
          5.   False                            6.   CCF
          7.   Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)  8.  MARC 21
          9.   Content                          10.  Directory

          11.  True                              12.  False
          13.  False                            14.  True
          15.  False

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