P. 111

Library Automation

                    Notes          The main objective of automated acquisition system is as follow.
                                       To reduce lab our and paper incentive work involved in manual acquisition.
                                       To maintain up to date information or record of all activities involved in acquisition.

                                       To have effective and efficient control over ordering, claiming and cancellation functions.
                                       To provide accurate and timely financial information.
                                       To provide necessary management information reports, whenever they are required.
                                   Through this module library staff can search the entire database of library holdings for the
                                   purpose of duplicate checking etc. Using various combinations, number of reports could be

                                   Self Assessment

                                   State whether the following statements are true or false:
                                   1.  Most acquisition transactions such as ordering and payment can be done electronically.

                                   2.  Four files are maintained in a computer-based acquisition system.
                                   3.  A code number for each bookseller links the three files, so that booksellers’ information
                                       is repeated in the order file.

                                   6.2 Acquisition Department

                                   Automation of vendor files and integrated library systems are changing (a) the process of
                                   collection development, (b) the role of the collection developer, (c) the relationship between
                                   libraries and vendors, and even (d) the library’s organization. By combining files in the
                                   bibliographer’s workstation, paraprofessional staff can select the core collection; professionals
                                   will focus on expensive or fringe titles. Programmed or mechanical selection can replace staff
                                   decisions in acquiring the core titles. Automation may increase successful cooperative collection
                                   development and expand the responsibilities of collection developers. Professional roles will
                                   change to include more policy, preservation, evaluation, and process assignments. Collection
                                   development activities may be decentralized and combined with reference and cataloguing
                                   subject groups or become part of acquisitions processing teams.

                                   Libraries are organised into units/departments/sections based on the functions that they are
                                   expected to perform. Acquisition Department is one among them and is concerned with various
                                   activities relating to collection development. Its objective is to build up information resources
                                   in conformity with the objectives of the parent institution on the one hand, and that which is
                                   suitable to the differential information requirements of the different users on the other.
                                   It involves the processes of selection, procurement and accessioning of documents.
                                   Acquisition work comprises three distinct functions, viz., selection, procurement and
                                   accessioning. The first two functions pose a number of problems in planning and organising the
                                   work of the acquisition department. In the actual operation of these different functions, a number
                                   of records, registers, and files have to be designed, created, maintained and handled. These are
                                   all explained with reference to the functions they perform. All these routine functions can be
                                   The requirements of selection and acquisition are given below:
                                       Selection: A Selection Policy (involving a statement about users and needs; subject, topic
                                       or mission to be dealt with and type of information sources to be covered). Selection Aids

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