P. 113

Library Automation

                    Notes          6.3 Document Selection

                                   Document selection is the first phase. There are two aspects in document selection, namely,
                                   planning and procedure.

                                   6.3.1 Planning

                                   Planning here relates to the various preparations and arrangements you have to make to carry
                                   out the procedure efficiently. Book selection is conditioned by three factors: demand, supply
                                   and finance. Planning, therefore, must be mainly concerned with these factors. Demand and
                                   supply must be known, and finance secured. Further; men and materials required for the work
                                   need to be arranged. Echoing similar views, Ranganathan suggest that the distinctive work of
                                   Document Selection is to be planned with reference’ to the following four factors: Sources,
                                   Selection, Indent and Finance. We shall examine below these aspects of planning under four
                                   heads, namely

                                       Ascertaining demand
                                       Finding resources
                                       Allocating funds
                                       Arranging personnel

                                   Ascertaining Demand

                                   Since demand is a basic factor in selection you have to develop a system for ascertaining the
                                   demand- Demand includes both expressed wants and unexpressed wants and unexpressed needs
                                   of readers. Similarly, needs of both actual and potential readers should be taken into account.
                                   Perhaps, the following sources can be made use of in ascertaining demand:

                                       statistics relating to books circulated from, and consulted in the library;
                                       suggestions from library staff working in the service departments;
                                       suggestions from readers;
                                       indents from subject experts or departments;

                                       findings of user need survey conducted;
                                       syllabi and prospectuses of courses of studies; and
                                       profiles of researchers.
                                   Demands have to be assessed in terms of their volume, value and variety. The final rating of the
                                   demand should COMIM with the selection policy of the library. Each library ought to have its
                                   own broad selection policy. Some libraries even have a written statement of this policy. In
                                   either case, the policy is the basic guideline in selection of documents.

                                   Finding Resources

                                   As said earlier, supply is another basic factor. Supply means availability of documents for
                                   acquisition. Information regarding supply can be collected in the form of various selection
                                   sources or tools. The library will be regularly receiving various source materials. If not, they
                                   have to be acquired. A good source collection may contain the following:

                                       Trade catalogues issued by individual publishers and booksellers

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