P. 114

Unit 6: Library Automation in Acquisition

               Book trade journals                                                              Notes
               Previews and announcements issued by publishers
               Book reviews appearing in newspapers and journals

               Book reviewing journals
               Book selection lists brought out by competent bodies
               List of textbooks prescribed for various courses of studies
               Published catalogues of book exhibitions

               Published catalogues of important libraries
               Subject bibliographies and subject guides to selection
               National bibliographies
               Comprehensive retrospective bibliographies like Books in Print

               Catalogues of second-hand booksellers
          The sources have to be sorted and stored for convenient use. Updating of the sources and
          weeding out of old ones should be done on a regular basis.

          Allocating Funds

          Finance is the most important factor in document selection. Proper planning of finance is basic
          to good acquisition work. Every library works according to its budget. The total budget of the
          library will include a separate provision for books. This amount will have to be apportioned
          among three heads, namely books, periodicals, and binding. This amount thus set apart for
          books is the budget placed at the disposal of the Acquisition Department. This amount has to be
          used for purchase of books and other types of documents except current periodicals. For the
          balanced development of the collection, the books budget should be allocated among different
          subjects and categories. This budget allocation is done by the library authority or its delegated
          body like the Book Selection Committee. The librarian and the acquisition staff are also involved
          in this process since they are the people to provide the information required for budget allocation
          to the authorities. Such information may relate to an actual and the potential needs of the
          clientele, the current and future programmes of the parent institutions, the strength and weakness
          of the existing collection, the price range of publications in particular subjects, etc. These and
          other types of information can also be used by the library to obtain enhanced budget provisions.
          However, once the allocation is finalised, acquisition work has to conform to the financial
          discipline dictated by it.

          Arranging Personnel

          Planning for document selection should also cover the personnel or human factor. The people
          involved in the selection process are the librarian, the acquisition staff, the subject experts and
          the library authority or selection committee. The ultimate responsibility for book selection
          rests with the librarian. The acquisition staffs are there to help him. But, neither the librarian nor
          his staffs are experts in all the different subjects. Therefore, it becomes necessary to take help
          from subject specialists. The selection committee may or may not be composed of subject experts.
          Nevertheless, committee level decisions have the advantage of being more democratic and
          participatory. You must remember that document selection is not a one man job. It should be the
          outcome of good team work. Therefore, you must be very prudent in choosing the members of
          this team. This applies to both the acquisition staff and the subject experts. You need to maintain

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