P. 115

Library Automation

                    Notes          a panel of subject experts who will be willing to participate in the selection process by giving
                                   objective opinions and advice.

                                   6.3.2 Job Analysis

                                   The work of Document Selection consists of the following items:


                                       Sources for acquiring work
                                       Sources for arranging work

                                       Document Selection work
                                       Document Selection carding work
                                       Document Selection consultation work


                                       Indents scrutinising work
                                       Indents passing work


                                       Allotment work

                                       Allotment watching work
                                   In turn, each of the items consists of jobs which may be hourly, daily, weekly, fortnightly,
                                   monthly, etc. Details regarding each of the jobs are dealt with in Ranganathan’s magnum opus
                                   Library Administration. It would be interesting to note that he has not only given a Table of
                                   Correlation showing the jobs that bring the document selection section into contact with other
                                   sections, but also has given an Illustrative Time Scheme for the different jobs.

                                   6.3.3 Procedure

                                   The actual process of document selection may be initiated in different ways. The acquisition staff
                                   takes note of the desirable items and presents them to the subject experts for approval.
                                   Alternatively the subject experts themselves or the subject departments may make indents for
                                   items they recommend. In both instances, the acquisition staffs are responsible for the routine
                                   jobs connected with selection. It is their duty to collect, complete and correct information on the
                                   documents. So also it is their risk to allow all unnecessary and unintentional duplications.
                                   Therefore, adequate care should be taken to ensure that the items selected are not already
                                   available in the library. An acceptable selection procedure can be outlined as follows:
                                   1.  Scanning: All the currently received sources should be scanned regularly. Old sources
                                       should be scanned only for specific needs. Items found desirable may be ticked off in the
                                       sources: Your knowledge about the existing collection and about the items already selected
                                       or ordered will help you in avoiding duplication at this stage. If necessary, the marked
                                       items may be forwarded to the librarian and his concurrence obtained.

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