P. 14

Unit 1: Library Automation: An Overview

          optimal use of automation, a number of conditions must be fulfilled. For most is a profound  Notes
          understanding of the new tool and a fresh look at what the information process is all about - it
          does not seem to be about books, after all, even if books may always be there. Among the other
          conditions is a restructuring of libraries to make a better framework for an information service
          which fully exploits the potential of the new information technology.
          We need library automation for the following reasons:
               To cope with increasing demands for services in terms of frequency and speed
               To reduce staff or prevent staff increases
               To improve the efficiency of the clerical and paraprofessional staff
               To provide new forms of old services (electronic access)

               To improve access to existing services (remote login, etc.)
               To provide new (increasingly digital) information services
               Document delivery very fast, frequently online

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          4.   The library …………………… to the collection forms the base for most of the library
          5.   Automation can …………………… staff productivity.
          6.   The cost of automation can be broken into …………………… categories.

          1.3 Library Automation Process

          The main steps in the process of library automation are:

          Step 1: Preparing for Automation

          Preparing for an automated library system needs system evaluation and planning before
               Appraisal of Current Status: Statistics regarding total number of stock, accession of
               materials, daily issue and return, time taken for routine activities, services given, its
               effectiveness, etc. were studied to find a true picture of the current status of the library and
               identified the problems facing by the users.

               Need Assessment: Routine library activities such as issue and return of the books take a
               lion’s share of the total time of the library. The librarians were not getting enough time to
               do added services. So, for acquiring required time for a functional library, automation
               was necessary. Control over the stock was not adequate. Annual stock verification and
               generation of monthly library statistics were not up to the standards. An automated
               system will make the things better. Finding a book from the stack room was time taken.
               There were no standard classifications or cataloguing schemes. Books were arranged
               unscientifically. Card catalogues were absent and the users had to go through all the
               collection to find the wanted one. There was no system to find whether the book was
               present, issued, if yes, to whom it was issued or when will it return.
               Cost Evaluation: The cost contained in every library activity was higher in the case of a
               manual system. The human cost was many times greater than an automated environment.

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