P. 191

Library Automation

                    Notes             Academic Journals:    "Peer-reviewed" or   Always year, volume   InfoTrac's Expanded
                                      Psychobiology     "refereed"       and issue #       Academic ASAP (click
                                      Journal of Popular   Technical language of   Sometimes season    on "to refereed
                                      Culture           the field        Usually 4–6 times a   publications")
                                      Nursing Management   Often non-profit,   year        Ebsco's Academic
                                      Studies in Short   Reports of original   Long articles and   Search Premier (click
                                      Fiction           research or thought   bibliographies   on "peer reviewed")
                                      Journal of Marriage   Literary criticism,   Difficult language,   Other specific
                                      and the Family    Case Studies,    No advertising, few   disciplinary indexes
                                                        Literature reviews,   pictures     like PsycInfo, Science
                                                        methods, results,                  Direct, ACM Digital
                                                        discussions                        Library. (see complete
                                                        Charts, graphs, tech.              alphabetical list under
                                                        drawings,                          "Articles, Indexes,

                                   10.1.2 Periodical Collection

                                   The Library subscribes to a comprehensive range of periodicals. Some of these are in print
                                   format, while an increasing number of periodicals are available electronically and are known as
                                   electronic journals. The electronic journals are accessible from the Electronic Journals page.
                                   These are shelved in alphabetical order by title of the periodical within four collections:

                                       Science and Engineering
                                       Social Science
                                   Where a print title is also available electronically, this is indicated by the letter E against the title

                                     Notes Please note that only some back issues are available electronically.

                                   10.1.3 Locating and Borrowing Periodicals

                                   The library catalogue lists all print and some electronic journals held by the Library. It is
                                   accessible from all PCs in the Library and any PC with internet access. In order to find articles
                                   about a specific topic, you will usually search Library databases or abstracting and indexing
                                   services by topic.

                                   While a number of electronic journals are not listed on the library catalogue they are accessible
                                   from the Electronic Journals page. The listing allows you to access an article by following links
                                   from the title to the full-text of the article.

                                     Did u know? A guide to electronic journals is available online.
                                   To locate a specific article, you should know:
                                       periodical title
                                       volume number and issue number in that volume

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