P. 190

Unit 10: Library Automation in Periodicals Section

               The New York Times, a well-respected newspaper, serves as the de facto national newspaper  Notes
               and is a good source of information on topics of national and international importance.

                                  Table 10.1: Examples of Periodicals

               Types & Examples   Audience & Use     Watch for      Method of Access
             Newspapers:       Current information;   Month and Date –   LexisNexis
             New York Times    journalists & freelance  Sept. 30, 2008   Ebsco's Newspaper
             Times (London)    News stories, features   Section and page   Source
             Times Picayune    Editorials, Sound-off,   numbers – pB25   Proquest's Ethnic
             Wall Street Journal   Letters to the Editor    Editorials, Letters,   NewsWatch
             Mobile Press Register   Texts of speeches, etc.   Sound-off Syndicated   Proquest's
                               Local or Geographic   Columnists    Newspapers
                               area focus                          Mobile Register
                                                                   Some newspapers are
                                                                   on the public web
             Magazines:        Minimal reading level;  Weekly or Monthly   Local Public Library
             Southern Living    staff and freelance   Date, Page numbers   Ebsco's MasterFile
             Working Woman     writers           Sometimes Volume   Premier
             Modern Maturity    Focused toward   and Issue         InfoTrac's OneFile
             Personal Computing   specific consumer   Lots & lots of ads   InfoTrac's General
                               groups            Brief articles, photos   Reference Center Gold
                               Feature stories,
                               Recipes, tips, how to...
                               Lots of advertising,
                               Personal stories,
                               How-To, Cover
                               Stories, Reviews
             News Magazines:    Non-technical    Weekly or Monthly   InfoTrac's Expanded
             Time              language          Date, Page numbers   Academic ASAP
             Newsweek          Current events,   Sometimes Volume   InfoTrac's Business
             Maclean's (Canada)   Feature stories, public   and Issue Lots of   Index
                               opinion polls     advertising       Ebsco's Academic
                               Photographs, graphs,                Search Premier
                               book & movie reviews
                               Politics and
                               contemporary issues
             Popular Magazines of  Generally Educated   Weekly or Monthly   InfoTrac's Expanded
             Opinion:          Audience          Date, Page numbers   Academic ASAP
             New Republic      Particular viewpoint   Look like news   InfoTrac's OneFile
             National Review    or agenda        magazines, but have a  InfoTrac's Reference
             Christian Century   Commentary,     particular political,   Center Gold
             Christianity Today   Editorials, Letters   religious, or other   Ebsco's Academic
                               Book, movie reviews,   ideological bias   Search Premier
                               interviews        Columnists        Ebsco's Masterfile
                               News articles with a                Premier
             Professional Trade   Written for    Weekly or Monthly   Ebsco's Business
             Journals: Adweek   practitioners    Date, Page numbers   Source Premier
             Progressive Grocer    Practical articles; how-  Sometimes Volume   Ebsco's Vocational
             Modern Plastics    to, vocational info   and Issue #   Search
             Hardware Age      Current trends and   The title usually   Ebsco's MasterFILE
             Aviation Week     practices         indicates a profession   Premier
                               Product information   photos, ads    LexisNexis
                               and ads
                               Meetings, job ads,


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