P. 185

Library Automation

                    Notes              The disadvantage of both the ‘Day Book’ and ‘Ledger’ systems was the absence of a
                                       mechanism to locate the whereabouts of the books. A solution to this shortcoming was
                                       found in the ‘Dummy System’.
                                       The registration procedure is fairly well standardised. The borrower to be is given an
                                       application form to fill. The application form may preferably be in a card form, so that the
                                       same is alphabetically filed to serve as an alphabetical registration record.
                                       Circulation is an activity whereby library materials are lent to borrowers and records of
                                       such loan transactions are kept in an orderly way.
                                       A minimal circulation model is a set of procedures of record keeping with respect to only
                                       their category, i.e., records of the materials held by a borrower. A total or complete
                                       system is one that provides for all three categories of records.
                                       Computerised circulation subsystems generally perform a group of functions utilising
                                       three basic categories of information as a base.
                                       Library materials should be made available to users readily or as soon after the demand
                                       arises as feasible. Circulation systems are designed to support this primary activity of a
                                       library i.e. document availability.
                                       Automated circulation management has been very successful since the beginning of library

                                   9.8 Keywords

                                   Barcode: A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data relating to the object
                                   to which it is attached.
                                   Circulation: Circulation is an activity whereby library materials are lent to borrowers and
                                   records of such loan transactions are kept in an orderly way.

                                   ‘Day book’: A ‘Day book’ was a register that recorded all daily transactions sequentially in a
                                   Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Interlibrary loan (abbreviated ILL, and sometimes called interloan,
                                   interlending, document delivery, or document supply) is a service whereby a user of one library
                                   can borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by another library.
                                   Library Management System: Library Management System is software used to manage the
                                   catalogue of a library. This helps to keep the records of whole transactions of the books available
                                   in the library.
                                   Renewals: Renewals represent an extension of the loan period by recharging the same item to
                                   the same borrower.

                                   Reserves: The reserve procedure is also known as hold procedure. In this library materials
                                   already on loan are identified and held or reserved upon request for other patrons.
                                   Temporary Slip System: In this system, a slip is prepared at the time of issue of a book, with the
                                   particulars of the book such as the call number, author title, and the particulars of the borrower
                                   and the date of issue.
                                   Transaction Sub-module: Transaction sub-module includes all the day-to-day activities of
                                   circulation section of a library viz. issue, return, renewal, reservation, reminders for overdue
                                   books, searching document availability and listing of items issued to a member.

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