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Library Automation

                    Notes                      Bioscience   Restaurants and  New Republic   Post   Illustrated
                                               New England   Institutions              Christian   Reader's
                                               Journal of                              Science    Digest
                                               Medicine                                Monitor

                                               Social                                  Wall Street
                                               Psychology                              Journal
                                      Values &   Reports of   Current trends,   Commentaries   Current   Current
                                      Uses     original     news &       on social &   information;   events; Hot
                                               research;    products in a   political issues;   News stories;  topics;
                                               In depth     field; Company,  Some in-depth   Local and   Primary
                                               analysis of   organization, &  analysis;   regional   source for
                                               issues related to   biographical   Political   focus;   analysis of
                                               the discipline;   information;   viewpoints,   Classified   popular
                                               Lengthy      Statistics,   liberal,     ads;       culture;
                                               articles.    forecasts;   conservative &   Editorials;   Short
                                               Academic level   Employment &   other;   Speeches;   articles;
                                               book reviews;   career    Sometimes acts   some book   Generally
                                               Refereed or   information;   as voice of   reviews;   not much
                                               peer-reviewed   Book and   activist     Primary    depth;
                                                            product      organization;   source for   Interviews;
                                                            reviews      Speeches &    information   some book
                                                                         interviews; Book  on events   reviews
                                      Language   Academic; Can   Written for   Written for a   Written for a   Non-
                                               be very      practitioners;   general   general    technical,
                                               technical; Uses   Can use jargon   educated   educated   often simple
                                               the language of  extensively   audience   audience   language
                                               the discipline
                                      Authors   Researchers,   Practitioners in   Extremely   Journalists  Generally,
                                               academics,   the field or   variable; Can be       journalists
                                               scholars, etc.   journalists with  academics,      and freelance
                                                            subject      journalists,             writers
                                                            expertise    representatives
                                                                         of various
                                      Sources   Footnotes and   Occasional brief  Occasionally   Rarely cite   Rarely cite
                                               bibliographies,   bibliographies;   cite sources in   any sources   any sources
                                               Often very   Sources      text or provide   in full
                                               extensive    sometimes cited  short
                                               documentation   in text   bibliographies
                                      Publisher   Universities,   Commercial   Commercial   Commercial   Commercial
                                               scholarly    publishers or   publishers or   publishers   publishers
                                               presses or   professional   non-profit
                                               academic and   and trade   organizations
                                               research or   associations
                                      Graphics   Graphs, charts,   Photographs,   Varies a lot;   Pictures,   Glitzy, many
                                               formulas,    charts, tables,   Some very plain,  charts, ads of   graphics and
                                               depending on   illustrations of   some have   all sorts   pictures; full
                                               the discipline;   all sorts; ads   graphics,       of colour ads
                                               Do not contain   related to the   colours and ads
                                               glossy ads   profession


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