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Library Automation

                    Notes          2.  Citations: Brief descriptions of an item that identify specific articles. No matter what kind
                                       of index you use, citations follow a similar format and contain the same basic parts.

                                   10.3.2 Parts of a Citation

                                   The information appearing in an index about an article is called a citation. The citation usually
                                   1.  Title of the article
                                   2.  Author’s name or names if there is more than one author (sometimes a shorter article or
                                       news item has no named author)
                                   3.  Title of the periodical. Some indexes label the periodical title as the “source” (abbreviated
                                       as “so”) because the periodical is the source for the article.

                                   4.  Volume and issue number of the periodical in which the article appears. A volume often
                                       covers one year of publication and an issue is an individual copy within a volume. A
                                       volume and/or issue may not be included.
                                   5.  Date of the periodical issue in which the article appears.
                                   6.  Pages on which the article appears.
                                   7.  Additional information about the article such as illustrations, maps, charts that appear in
                                       the article.

                                   10.3.3 Sample Citations

                                   Here’s an example of a citation from ArticleFirst, an online index that includes periodicals
                                   covering a wide range of subjects. (ArticleFirst can be accessed through OCLC FirstSearch.)
                                   Author(s): Keenan, Jeremy
                                   Title: The theft of Saharan rock-art
                                   Source: Antiquity. 74, no. 284, (2000): 287 (2 pages)

                                   Additional Info: Antiquity Publications [etc.]
                                   Alt Journal: Key Title: Antiquity
                                   Standard No: ISSN: 0003-598X CODEN: ATQYAF

                                   OCLC No: 1481624
                                   The following citation labels the periodical as “SOURCE.” TITLE refers to the actual article.
                                   Author: Pennisi, E.
                                   Title: Grasshoppers change coats to beat the heat.
                                   Source: Science, v. 140, n. 8, p. 119–120

                                   The “source” of the article “Grasshoppers change coats to beat the heat” is the periodical Science.
                                   The article appears in volume 140, issue number 8 of Science and is on pages 119 through 120 of
                                   that issue.
                                   This citation uses abbreviations for title (TI), author (AU) and source (SO):
                                   TI: School literacy: the real ABC’s. AU: Greenspan, A.C. SO: Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 72, no. 4, pp.
                                   300–304, Dec. 1991.

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