P. 86

Unit 4: Problems, Evaluation and Trends in Library Automation Software

          4.6 Review Questions                                                                  Notes

          1.   Discuss the Technological Problems in Library Automation.
          2.   What is the major obstacle for any innovations in developing countries?

          3.   Explain the attitudinal problems in Library Automation.
          4.   Describe the features are part of software module testing.
          5.   Discuss FRBR based Bibliographic Data Model.
          6.   Write brief note on Open Source Software.
          7.   What is Radio Frequency Identification?

          8.   Describe integrated access interface.
          9.   What is Z39.50?
          10.  Discuss Unicode.

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   False                            2.   True

          3.   True                              4.  False
          5.   True                              6.  Value-added
          7.   Evaluation                       8.   Performance
          9.   Enhanced                          10.  Core

          11.  False                            12.  True
          13.  False                            14.  True
          15.  True

          4.7 Further Readings

           Books      Aswal, Rajinder Singh (2006). “Library Automation for 21st Century.” Ess Ess
                      Brown-Syed, Christopher (2011). “Parents of Invention: The Development of Library
                      Automation Systems in the Late 20th Century: The Development of Library Automation
                      Systems in the Late 20th Century.” ABC-CLIO.
                      Kochtanek, Thomas R. and Matthews, Joseph R. (2002). “Library Information Systems:
                      From Library Automation to Distributed Information Access Solutions.” Libraries
                      Lancaster, F. Wilfrid (2008). “Problems and Failures in Library Automation - Volume
                      15th.” Read Books.
                      Nanda, Manohar (2006). “Library Automation.” Anmol Publications Pvt. Limited.

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