P. 88

Reena Kapoor, Lovely Professional University                     Unit 5: Management of Library Automation

                   Unit 5: Management of Library Automation                                     Notes


             5.1  Planning in Library Automation
             5.2  Formats and Standards in Library Automation
                 5.2.1  The MARC 21 Formats

                 5.2.2  UNIMARC (Universal MARC Format)
                 5.2.3   Common Communication Format (CCF)
                 5.2.4  Bibliographic Standards and the Internet
             5.3  Retrospective Conversion
                 5.3.1  Need and Objectives of Retrospective Conversion

                 5.3.2   Scope of Retrospective Conversion
                 5.3.3   Planning of Retrospective Conversion
                 5.3.4   Problem in Retrospective Conversion

             5.4  Summary
             5.5  Keywords
             5.6  Review Questions
             5.7  Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:

               Discuss the planning in Library Automation
               Explain the formats and standards in Library Automation
               Describe the Retrospective Conversion


          A successful library automation project depends on good management. Library management
          requires attention to a wide variety of strategies or techniques in embracing change caused by
          library automation. The most important is management and development of library human
          resources. How library managers deal with the major factors that need to be considered in this
          changing environment, will largely determine how successful that change will be.

          5.1 Planning in Library Automation

          Planning for library automation has been defined as planning for “integrated systems” that
          computerize an array of traditional library functions using a common database. While this is

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