P. 119
Methodology of Research and Statistical Techniques
Notes • Percent is another useful way of describing data. A frequency count can be converted to
percent by dividing the number of units for a particular category by the total number of
units and multiplying by 100.
• Analysis of qualitative data is not simple, and although it does not require complicated
statistical techniques of quantitative analysis, it is nonetheless difficult to handle the
usually large amounts of data in a thorough, systematic and relevant manner.
• If you have access to a computer package that analyses qualitative data (e.g. NUDIST)
then you can use this. These vary in the way they work but these are some of the basic
common principles.
• In research, Secondary data is collecting and possibly processing data by people other
than the researcher in question. Common sources of secondary data for social science
include censuses, large surveys, and organizational records.
7.3 Keywords
Qualitative Data : It is subjective, rich, and in-depth information normally presented in
the form of words.
Coding Paragraphs : This is where you mark each paragraph with a topic/theme/category
with an appropriate word in the margin.
Population : The complete set of all possible elements or objects is called a population.
7.4 Review Questions
1. What is numerical description of data?
2. Differentiate between Qualitative and Quantitative data.
3. What are relevance of primary and secondary data in research?
Answers: Self Assessment
1. (b) Analysing data 2. (c) Qualitative data
3. (b) Second misconception 4. (b) Two
5. (c) Locating the data
7.5 Further Readings
Books Methods of social survey and research, 1984: Bajpai, S.R.
Editing scientific books and journals, 1978: Donner, M.D.
Scientific methods and social research. Ed. 2, 1984: Ghosh, B.N.
Online links