P. 85
Methodology of Research and Statistical Techniques
Notes Opening
The opening is extremely important. It should be short, interesting, and stimulate response. In
particular, you must convincingly demonstrate why the study is important, why their response
is especially important, and how they will benefit from the study. The title of the study,
clearly understandable by the lay person, must be included. The name of the principal investigator
and the institutional address should appear here.
The close is also important. There should be an opportunity for comment as well as a thank
you for participation. The name of the PI and contact information should also be included.
Shorter is better. Ask no unnecessary questions. Ask only questions that can be answered. If
the question is longer, it must look easy to respond to. If the audience is really interested in
the topic, length is less important.
Pre-testing is absolutely necessary. Don’t be too eager to begin collecting data. Here are typical
questions that pre-testing should answer:
• Does each question measure what it is supposed to?
• Are all the words understood?
• Are questions interpreted similarly by each respondent?
• Does each close-ended question have an answer that applies to each respondent?
• Did the questionnaire create a positive impression?
• Are questions answered properly?
• Did any aspect of the questionnaire suggest bias?
• How long did it take to complete?
Pre-testing may be done by three types of people. Colleagues are a logical choice, but may
give you only a superficial examination. Too, that may not want to offend you with critical
comment. Potential users of the data should have substantive knowledge of the topic. Finally,
and best, are people drawn from the population to be surveyed. These people cannot then be
used in the final study.
Revise and continue to test until your are satisfied that the questionnaire is as good as it can
Pre-cover Letters
These are not typical, but they may be useful in stimulating a better response rate. The evidence
regarding cost-benefit is mixed. This alert letter "the questionnaire is coming" — should include:
• Study purpose and importance
• Why the respondent was selected and is important
• What to expect
• When to expect it.
Cover Letters
The major liability of the questionnaire is the low response rate. Causes of poor response