P. 86
Unit 5: Research Techniques and Tools
• The questionnaire never reached its destination because of poor address Notes
• The questionnaire arrived, but was discarded unopened because it looked like junk mail
• The questionnaire was examined, but there was some question as to who should respond
so it was not returned
• The questionnaire was examined, but the respondent was unconvinced of its importance,
and it was discarded.
• The questionnaire was examined, but was put aside and forgotten because it would take
too much time to complete.
• The questionnaire was examined, but the return envelope was misplaced and so the
questionnaire was not returned.
Appeal Elements
There are three typical appeal elements:
• The first is essentially an appeal for help or “will you do me a favor?” Here, we emphasize
our personal appreciation and gratitude. This is a weak appeal if much time and effort
is required. Follow-ups can be difficult.
• The second appeal focuses on a shared problem that we must solve together. Their help
is needed to find a solution that will improve some aspect of their life. Here we have an
exchange relationship with each helping the other.
• The third appeal element is rarely used by information professional researchers. Here an
incentive is included to help compensate the respondent for her time. These incentives
are usually inexpensive tokens, but winning a prize may make a difference. Dr. Bill once
won a $100.00 Amazon gift certificate for participating in a study.
You will need to decide how formal or informal you will be in the cover letter. You want to
personalize the letter and establish rapport, but you don’t want to be too familiar, especially
with people you have not met.
An endorsement by an individual or group well known to your audience can increase response
rates and is well worth the effort. Can you identify some endorsement possibilities?
Did u know? The letter should look like an original with letterhead and an original-
looking signature.
Format and Content
The cover letter should be limited to a single page.
The first paragraph should explain what the study is about and convince the respondent that
the study is important and useful. How does the study relate to their problems? Why will the
study make a difference? How will the results be used? It is best to avoid the words “questionnaire”
and “survey” in this paragraph because of their negative associations.
The second paragraph focuses on why the particular respondent is important to the success
of the study. Why were you selected? Why the population segment that you represent is
important? Who should complete the instrument?
The third paragraph considers the questionnaire itself. It will not take too long to complete
and the questions themselves are not difficult. We also emphasize that all responses are confidential
and anonymous.