P. 113

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes            •  Search by Strategy allows information specialists to model test and refine their search
                                      workflows at a high level of abstraction, with the help of a graphical tool.
                                    •  Information Retrieval and Machine Learning” (IRML) is working on the semantic collection,
                                      intelligent processing and extensive analysis of data and information.
                                    •  In the field of information retrieval CC IRML concentrates on search, filter and referral proce-
                                    •  Legal information systems must also be programmed to deal with law-specific words and
                                    •  Legal texts also frequently use polysemes, words
                                    •  Boolean searches, where a user may specify terms such as use of specific words or judgments
                                      by a specific court, are the most common type of search available via legal information re-
                                      trieval systems.

                                 5.5   Keywords

                                 Information Retrieval : Means recovery of information.
                                 Research           : Is simply the process of finding information.

                                 5.6 Review Questions

                                  1.   What do you mean by information retrieval?
                                  2.   When does information retrieval process begin?

                                 Answers: Self Assessment
                                  1.   Search method           2. Quick search               3. Subject search

                                 5.7 Further Readings

                                                Seetharama, S. Information consolidation and Repackaging, New Delhi. ESS ESS 1997.
                                                Atherton, P. Handbook of information systems and services. Paris: UNESCO, 1977.
                                                Saracevic, T and Wood JS: Consolidation of information: A Handbook of evaluation,
                                                Restructuring and Repackaging of Scientific and technical Information, Paris: UNESCO,

                                    Online links

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