P. 109

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         Choosing Keywords

                                 Dictionaries, thesauri and other lists of subject headings are useful tools when choosing keywords;
                                 they help the information seeker find alternative terms, e.g. synonyms and special terminology, that
                                 can be added into the search string in order to expand the search, give better search results and lead
                                 the information seeker to resources that would otherwise perhaps be missed altogether.
                                 Each database is indexed differently, which means that they usually have their own thesauri or lists
                                 subject terms, which should be taken into account when conducting a search on a specific database.
                                 Furthermore, indexing methods are different in different fields of research and the terminology
                                 that an author has used in his/her works may differ from the subject terms and indexing methods
                                 of different instances, e.g. libraries. This is why it is advisable to look for potential keywords from
                                 several different sources.


                                 The NELLI portal provides links to electronic dictionaries and encyclopedias, e.g. the Oxford English
                                 Dictionary and MOT Tietosanakirjasto, which is a collection of several dictionaries of different
                                 languages and research fields.

                                 Controlled Vocabularies
                                 Databases usually use thesaurus terms or subject headings in describing the contents of documents.
                                 When using thesauri and other controlled vocabularies in information retrieval, the terms have to be
                                 written in the exact form that they appear in the thesaurus.
                                 Thesauri can be general or specific. The latter ones contain special terminology that is used in a
                                 specific field of research.

                                             The difference between thesauri and other lists of subject headings is that thesauri
                                             are always hierarchically structured (e.g. distinguishing broader and narrower
                                             terms), as opposed to merely listing the subject terms in alphabetical order.

                                 5.2 Conducting the Search

                                 Search Methods

                                 The choice of search method depends on the information need. The information seeker can combine
                                 and alternate between different methods as well. Sometimes it is even necessary to return to the
                                 starting point, plan the search again and conduct a new search by using another search type.

                                 This type of information search is unsystematic; the user does not have to plan a search string. However,
                                 it is a good way to familiarize oneself with the possible sources and material available. Browsing is a
                                 good option if the user is not sure which search terms to use and is looking for new concepts and
                                 related terms and thinking of narrowing the search to a specific point of view.

                                 Quick Search
                                 Quick search is a fast way to learn how to use a database and the way it functions. It is a good option
                                 when conducting a brief search because it does not require careful planning. Quick search is the best
                                 option if the information seeker is searching for a certain book in a library catalogue or looking up
                                 facts in electronic encyclopedias.

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