P. 105

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         4.4   Keywords

                                 Technical Digest : A powerful publishing and content management system.
                                 TCAD            : Technology Computer Aided Design.

                                 4.5 Review Questions

                                  1.   Write short note on technical digest design and development.
                                  2.   What are the goals of TCAD?
                                  3.   Explain modern TCAD.
                                  4.   Explain modern TCAD providers.

                                 Answers: Self Assessment

                                  1.   Technology Computer Aided Design
                                  2.   Technology Files, Design Rules

                                 4.6 Further Readings

                                                Atherton, P. Handbook of information systems and services. Paris: UNESCO, 1977.
                                                Saracevic, T and Wood JS: Consolidation of information: A Handbook of evaluation,
                                                Restructuring and Repackaging of Scientific and technical Information, Paris: UNESCO,
                                                Information Analysis, Repackaging, Consolidation and Information Retrieval by P S G
                                                Kumar, Publisher: Br Publishing Corporation (2004).

                                    Online links

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