P. 104

Unit 4: Technical Digestion

            The dominance of interconnects for giga-scale integration (transistor counts in O(billion)) and  Notes
            clocking frequencies in O (10 gigahertz)) have mandated the development of tools and methodologies
            that embrace patterning by electro-magnetic simulations—both for optical patterns and electronic
            and optical interconnect performance modelling—as well as circuit-level modelling. This broad
            range of issues at the device and interconnect levels, including links to underlying patterning and
            processing technologies, is summarized in and provides a conceptual framework for the discussion
            that now follows.
            Above diagram is a hierarchy of process, device and circuit levels of simulation tools. On each side
            of the boxes indicating modelling level are icons that schematically depict representative applications
            for TCAD. The left side gives emphasis to Design For Manufacturing (DFM) issues such as: shallow-
            trench isolation (STI), extra features required for phase-shift masking (PSM) and challenges for
            multi-level interconnects that include processing issues of chemical-mechanical planarization (CMP),
            and the need to consider electro-magnetic effects using electromagnetic field solvers. The right side
            icons show the more traditional hierarchy of expected TCAD results and applications: complete
            process simulations of the intrinsic devices, predictions of drive current scaling and extraction of
            technology files for the complete set of devices and parasitics.

            TCAD Providers
            Current major suppliers of TCAD tools include Synopsys, Silvaco and Crosslight. The open source
            GSS, Archimedes and Aeneas has some of the capabilities of the commercial products. TCAD Central
            maintains an information resource for available TCAD software.

                     Make a thorough study on Modern TCAD.

            Self Assessment

            Fill in the blanks:
             1.   Full form of TCAD is ............ .
             2.   ............ and ............ are the essential building blocks of the integrated circuit design process.

            4.3  Summary

              •  Technical digest movable Type is a powerful publishing and content management system
                 that stores website content and layout templates in a database (in our case, MySQL).
              •  Technology CAD (or Technology Computer Aided Design, or TCAD) is a branch of electronic
                 design automation that models semiconductor fabrication and semiconductor device operation.
              •  Technology files and design rules are essential building blocks of the integrated circuit design
              •  The goals of TCAD start from the physical description of integrated circuit devices, considering
                 both the physical configuration and related device properties, and build the links between
                 the broad range of physics and electrical behavior models that support circuit design.

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