P. 150

Unit 7: Marketing of Information

              •  The main objectives of the libraries today are to obtain self-sufficiency in their resources and  Notes
                 to provide an optimum level of services to reach more potential users and encourage the use
                 of library resources.
              •  University libraries invest a huge amount on collection development, processing and storage
                 of information resources.

            7.9  Keywords

            Marketing          : Is an integrated process through which companies build strong customer
                                relationships and create value for their customers and for themselves.
            Market Segmentation : Pertains to the division of a market of consumers into persons with similar
                                needs and wants.

            7.10 Review Questions

             1.   What is marketing?
             2.   Herd behavior in marketing is used. Elucidate.
             3.   Explain the “swarm-moves” model?
             4.   Write the importance of marketing research?
             5.   Which type of method marketing researcher used?

            Answers: Self Assessment

             1.   (b) marketing           2. (c) constructive critisism  3. (a) herd behaviour
             4.   (b) marketing research  5. (c) market segmentation.

            7.11 Further Readings

                          Saracevic, T and Wood JS: Consolidation of information: A Handbook of evaluation,
                          Restructuring and Repackaging of Scientific and technical Information, Paris: UNESCO,
                          Atherton, P. Handbook of information systems and services. Paris: UNESCO, 1977.
                          Seetharama, S. Information consolidation and Repackaging, New Delhi. ESS ESS 1997.

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