P. 207

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         the same items will be retrieved whichever term is used. A friendly computer will explain what it is
                                 doing, so that the user is not puzzled by being given items with terms different from those asked

                                                          Figure 11.4: Preferred term substitution

                                                                                         We list all
                                                                                     Frocks  under the
                                                                                    term Dresses ; your
                                                  Have we                           search will be done
                                                any frocks in                         using that term.
                                               the collection?

                                                                                          the thesaurus

                                                                                          Computer uses
                                                           We have the following:       thesaurus results
                                                         342: Green dress with spots      to search the
                                                          234: Blue sleeveless frock        catalogue
                                                             887: Evening dress

                                 USE and USE FOR relationships are thus used between synonyms or pairs of terms which are so
                                 nearly the same that they do not need to be distinguished in the context of a particular collection.
                                 Other examples might be:
                                 Cloaks                 USE          Capes
                                 Capes                  USE FOR      Cloaks

                                 Nuclear energy         USE          Nuclear power
                                 Nuclear power          USE FOR      Nuclear energy

                                 Baby carriages         USE          Perambulators
                                 Perambulators          USE FOR      Baby carriages
                                 Perambulators          USE FOR      Prams
                                 Prams                  USE          Perambulators
                                 If we name objects, we want to be as specific as possible. If we have worked hard to discern subtle
                                 distinctions in nature, type or style, we certainly want to record these. The point is that the thesaurus
                                 is not the place to do this. Detailed description of an object is the job of the catalogue record; the job
                                 of the thesaurus, and the index which is built by allocating thesaurus terms to objects, is to provide
                                 useful access points by which that record can be retrieved.
                                 USE and USE FOR relationships can also be used to group similar items together, because too much
                                 specificity is as bad as too little. If we have a small clothing collection, containing ten jackets, it is
                                 more useful to give them all the index term jackets than to create many specific categories. Anyone
                                 searching our catalogue will then be able to search on the single term jackets and see a list of the ten
                                 items, each with a description of exactly what kind of jacket it is, as follows:

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