P. 209

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         whatever else it may be, inherently a jacket, and that it has the characteristics which define a
                                 jacket.Mice can properly be said to be a narrower term of Rodents, because all mice are inherently
                                 rodents, but it is not correct to list Miceas a narrower term of Pests, because some mice, such as
                                 laboratory mice and pet mice, are not pests. The idea is to have relationships in the thesaurus which
                                 are always true, irrespective of context. In the same way, it would not be correct to list Buses as a
                                 narrower term of Diesel-engine vehicles, although many of them are; if we have a diesel-engine bus
                                 in our collection, we should show this by giving it the two terms Buses and Diesel-engine vehicles.

                                                                     Figure 11.5

                                                                 Mice        BT   Rodents
                                                                 Rodents     NT   Mice

                                                                Shoes        BT   Footwear
                                                                Footwear     NT   Shoes
                                                                 Mice        BT   Pests
                                                                 Pest        NT   Mice
                                                                Shoes        BT   Shoemaking
                                                                Shoemaking NT     Shoes

                                 Good computer software should allow you to search for “Jackets and all its narrower terms” as a
                                 single operation, so that it will not be necessary to type in all the possibilities if you want to do a
                                 generic search:

                                                          Figure 11.6: Inclusion of narrower terms

                                                                                       I shall search for.
                                                                                      Jackets or Anoraks
                                                                                         or Blazers or
                                                  What jackets of                      Dinner Jackets or
                                                any kind do we have                     Donkey jackets.
                                                  in the collection?
                                                                                            the thesaurus

                                                              We have the following:       Computer uses
                                                              1234 : Green anorak         thesaurus results
                                                              2345: Blue anorak             to search the
                                                              8876: Black blazer              catalogue
                                                              8765: Navy blue donkey

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