P. 282
Unit 13: Abstract and Abstracting
Abstract or Summary Notes
Write this part last, and make sure it is a summary, not an introduction. The optimum size is one or
two paragraphs covering a half a page.
Introduction and Background
In a short work plan the introduction and background can be combined into one short chapter. A
long work plan may look better if they are separated into two chapters.
The Introduction should introduce the work plan. This sounds so obvious when written like this,
but many planners and managers get carried away with long, historical and analytical introductions
which discourage or bore the readers before they get to the actual planning part of the work plan.
Do not repeat or copy much text from the ProDoc or proposal; limit your text here to material
relevant only to the period covered by the work plan.
The Background begins a logical argument that leads to the selection of objectives (outputs) that are
planned to be reached or attained during the planning period. This section includes the relevant
Problems and Issues that should be addressed during the period covered by the work plan. The
background should not be a long analysis or history; provide only the issues that justify the choice
of objectives for the period of time in question.
The background should contain:
• information gleaned from the previous six month or quarterly report, especially the recom-
• any relevant changes in conditions in the environment that have affected the project, or may
affect the project;
• any relevant effects or results of project activities that may call for changes in the project
• relevant paragraphs in appropriate documents, including Policy or Programme documents;
• any other references that will justify your selection of objectives and outputs for the planned
The project document (or whatever other relevant document that is used for justifying the objectives
identified in your work plan) may be long and may include many separate objectives or outputs.
Not all of them need be addressed during the time period covered by your work plan. The
background section of your work plan should include logical arguments why you have selected
some of them, and why you have not included the others.
You should not copy or repeat the background information of the core document (eg project
document, programme document, proposal, or policy paper); that information was useful for
justifying the overall project or programme but not for the specific time segment of your work plan.
In the background section of your work plan, you should include only information or references
that refer specifically to those outputs and objectives you wish to achieve during the period covered
by the work plan.
In other CMP guidelines it was pointed out that goals, objectives and outputs are different but related
things. A goal is broad and general, the solving of the problem that has been identified. A goal can
never be achieved or verified as achieved because it is not specific, finite, concrete or verifiable. A
goal can point to an objective, in contrast, because an objective is more specific, is finite, has a completion
date, and can be verified. Objectives are derived or generated from the goals.