P. 32

Unit 2: Information Consolidation

            DVDs can easily be produced again by One exception would be to create a series of short videos  Notes
            (about 10-20 minutes long) on a very simple camera like the Flip, and sell them as a package available
            in a password protected membership site (with only one payment to access it).
            Live Teleconferences and Videocasts: Less marketers than before use teleconferences it seems.
            However, they are still a great way to create a product. All you have to do is organize an event, sell
            the “seats” for people to attend, produce a replay, and then create a product from the recording.
            Video teleconferences are now more popular. The best service for that is for traditional audio
            teleconferences, I recommend.
            Live Events or Cleanse: wrote an entire special report on this for members of the Success Group.
            The idea here is to organize a “live” cleanse or detox program, or a form of “challenge” where
            participants are going to achieve some kind of goal, such as following a diet or fitness program for
            a specific length of time. You provide a written explanation of the program, and assist them with
            daily motivational emails, a discussion forum where they can connect with other members, and
            possibly live teleconferences. This type of product works very well in the natural health field.
            “Courses”: One of my favorite type of high-end information product is the online “course” or
            “training program.” To create it, all you need is a theme that promises to solve a problem or teach
            your clients something they really want to know. For example, some of my online courses include
            “How to Make a Living in the Natural Health Movement”, “How to Write Your Own e-Books”, and
            “How to Move to a Tropical Paradise”. As you can see, you can easily come up with a title just by
            using the words “How to_____” followed by your promise.
            The advantage of this type of product is that you can sell the product right away, even if you have
            not completed it yet. You only need one lesson before you start selling the course.

            2.4.1 Design

            Nexus Consolidation. The explosion of systems, databases, applications, storage, and infrastructure
            has lead to a revolt within IT organizations. The solution is to consolidate. The tougher question is

                    Nexus Information Systems provides a set of services and solutions aimed directly at
                    solving the problem of sprawl.

            2.4.2 Intel Server Hardware Consolidation

            How many times have you added servers simply because an application provider specified separate
            servers for their specific application? The vast majority of servers in an organization have little resource
            utilization during their lifecycle. If you want to stop wasting time, money and resources, and start
            reclaiming your future, let Nexus help you design a Virtual Infrastructure from VMware. On average,
            Nexus Information Systems finds a consolidation of 10 physical servers to 10 virtual servers running
            on a dual CPU server.
            Think about all the resources that go into a physical server without utilizing CPU, RAM, gigabit
            Ethernet ports and fibre channel storage. With Nexus Information Systems, you will begin the process
            of maximizing your physical server investments and dramatically reducing your sprawl through
            VMware, Blades and our proven professional services.

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