P. 31

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         Normally, you are supposed to consider online debt consolidation just as your monthly invoices
                                 become difficult or almost impossible to pay. This early intervention with the employment of online
                                 debts counselling will stop you from having to pay outrageous interest, late payment costs & charges,
                                 which will just obscure your by now shaky monetary status. Another great pointer of when to find
                                 debts consolidation is if you only pay the smallest payment quantity that is due monthly and when
                                 all of your credit-card balances stay similar even after your monthly expenditure.
                                 Those which own a home have a considerable advantage over those that do not own a home because
                                 they have the alternative of signing up for on line debts solution by employing the equity in their
                                 house. Using this technique requires the loaner to pay off their invoices monthly and to avoid gaining
                                 any other bills. Don‘t use your house as security unless you intend to pay off your new loan.
                                 Everytime make sure to do your research on the Internet in order to discover a trustworthy debts
                                 consolidation on line group. A lot of these companies appear to be the real deal on the outside
                                 however in all actuality might just really be a loan shark disguised. These companies must be avoided
                                 at any rate as they will place you under strict monthly payment terms and also charge a much
                                 bigger rate in comparison with a real lender. One of the improved overdue payments refinance
                                 establishments comprise of several non-profit lenders who will be able to give you the greatest
                                 options regarding changing the finance of your current overdue payments.
                                 As you may see for yourself enough examination will let you choose a decent online debts bills
                                 consolidation business which has the potential to assist lower your present monthly payment sum.
                                 They will in addition assist to keep you from going bankrupt, prevent you from paying higher rates
                                 and also allow you to maintain your credit score worthiness position.

                                 2.4 Information Consolidation Product Type

                                 There are many different types of products you can sell on the Internet. Here focus is to show you
                                 how to create and sell information products (as opposed to consumable items such as food, cosmetics,
                                 or appliances). Let’s take a look at the different types of information products you can create and sell.
                                 Book: This is a classic information product. Consider the book to be more like a fancy “business
                                 card” and credibility builder rather than an item that earns you a lot of money. Therefore, don’t
                                 recommend releasing an actual, physical book until you have started building your list and have at
                                 least a couple other information products under your belt. If you decided to publish a book, consider
                                 going with a print-on-demand publisher. At the moment, the best service for print-on-demand for
                                 books is the Amazon company CreateSpace.
                                 e-Book: The e-Book can be a create information product to sell as an entry-level product to the rest
                                 of your product line. The e-Book doesn’t need to be very long, but can include other bonuses such
                                 as audio recordings, other bonus e-Books, live teleconferences, etc.
                                  Audio CD or MP3 Download: Audio products can be very successful. Take, for example, my “Perfect
                                 Health Program”, which essentially is 12 hour-long teleconference interviews, and a few bonus
                                 booklets, sold for around $300 on CDs, and less as a download. You can have a single, hour-long
                                 audio product that could fit on a CD, or a package combining several recordings.
                                 Now a days, it’s best to offer the option between the audio CD and the digital download. Offer the
                                 digital download for about 20% less and free shipping. Between 20 and 50% of your customers will
                                 still choose the physical version, even if they have to pay more for it. We expect that percentage to
                                 dramatically lower overtime.
                                 DVD or Video Download: Video is even more popular than audio, but more time-consuming. It can
                                 also be sold for more. An easy way to create video products is to host a live conference and film the
                                 event. Then, sell the recording. At this point, most people prefer to have the actual DVD to
                                 comfortably watch on their TV than having to download a large video file to watch on their computer.

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