P. 26

Unit 1: Information Analysis, Repackaging and Consolidation

                  6. Object management. Good metadata supports the long-term management of objects in  Notes
            This document provides help for DCCT and library units in implementing these principles. Each
            section describes a metadata format, includes a discussion of areas where UIUC library may apply
            the standard, and includes links to additional resources.
            Dublin Core
            Dublin Core
            The Dublin Core metadata standard is a simple yet effective element set for describing a wide range
            of networked resources. The semantics of Dublin Core have been established by an international,
            cross-disciplinary group of professionals (the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) from
            librarianship, computer science, text encoding, the museum community, and other related fields of
            scholarship and practice.
            In the diverse world of the Internet, Dublin Core can be seen as a “metadata pidgin for digital
            tourists”: easily grasped, but not necessarily up to the task of expressing complex relationships or

                     Collect some interesting informations about the first library company of Philadelphia.

            1.18  Summary

              •  Information science emerged in the 19th century along with many other social science disci-
              •  In 1731, Benjamin Franklin established the Library Company of Philadelphia, the first library
                 owned by a group of public citizens.
              •  Information analysis is the science of evaluating information content, and refining informa-
                 tion to build portfolios.
              •  Information analysis works both for managers who use a non-quantitative process and for
                 those who use a quantitative investment process.
              •  Information analysis begins by transforming information into something concrete: invest-
                 ment portfolios.
              •  The science of information analysis began in the 1970s.
              •  Ambachtsheer coined the term “information coefficient,” or IC, to describe this correlation
                 between forecasts of residual returns (alphas) and subsequent realizations.
              •  Rosenberg investigate the active management process and measures of its performance.

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