P. 47

Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         You can also add to the perceived value of information products by increasing the price. Every
                                 product has a level of price resistance. The ideal is to find yours by experimenting and then set is
                                 just below that mark. Don’t make the mistake of pricing low because production cost is zero. Price
                                 it according to the benefits it provides.

                                 3.3 Information Newsletter

                                 An information newsletter may be a sequence of symbols in a specific sequence or manner. Often
                                 teachers of science and technology use different examples to define information and data to give a
                                 clear picture.Today’s world is highly technical and data driven.
                                 To make strategic planning and faster progress people depend on various parameters and that
                                 demands an effort to define information and use the same knowledge to take decision. Information
                                 may be about various arrays of work and various parameters. It is always required to gather
                                 information from required areas as per a pre-determined information gathering technique. Once
                                 the information has been gathered, the need is to compile information and store the information to
                                 use them as per the requirement or as the need arises.
                                 Since you publish your newsletter on a regular basis, sometimes it’s difficult to find newsletter
                                 ideas for your next issue’s content. No matter which autoresponder or e-mail broadcast solution
                                 you use, your newsletter content is still king.
                                 You sit in front of your monitor and stare at the white screen where the typing cursor is blinking...
                                 but your mind does not seem to come up with any ideas.

                                 3.3.1 Make an Ideas List
                                 If you have been writing articles for a while, you know your brightest ideas do not usually come to
                                 your mind when you need them. Actually, you usually get the best ideas when you are doing something
                                 else and thinking about another thing.
                                 But everything changes when you decide to sit and write an article... you get the writer’s block. You
                                 really need a good idea for your next issue... but your mind doesn’t help a bit.
                                 The solution is creating an idea list. Whenever you get a bright idea, just add it to your list. After a
                                 short time, you’ll have a list full of creative ideas for your next 20 issues at least. So whenever you
                                 want to write an article, you simply take a look at your list and choose an idea you feel like writing
                                 This technique is being used for years and it has really helped me write better articles faster and
                                 easier! You can also visit the newsletter templates section on this website to get more ideas.

                                 3.3.2 Target Market
                                 More and more people participate in forums these days. One of the reasons is because you can get
                                 professional advice for free. And this is exactly what makes forums a great place for you to get bright
                                 ideas for your newsletter content.
                                 You simply need to go to the forums where your target market hangs out. There you will discover
                                 many of the most common questions and problems your target market has. So you can write helpful
                                 articles about them.

                                 3.3.3 Keyword Research

                                 Find out which keywords your target markets are searching in search engines. Then write an article
                                 about it.

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