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Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         3.7.2 WTO Doha Round Bulletin, February 2011

                                 This bulletin, summarises key WTO Doha Round-related activities and developments since the
                                 beginning of the year.
                                 Doha-related meetings in Davos, Switzerland

                                 In November 2010, G20 and APEC Leaders recognised that 2011 presented a critical window of
                                 opportunity to conclude the Doha Round and demonstrated that there was the political will for this
                                 to be achieved.
                                 In January Trade Ministers met at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland using this
                                 opportunity to renew their commitment to finish the Round this year and take the practical step of
                                 discussing how this objective could be met.
                                 Dr Emerson attended an informal EC-hosted dinner on the Round with ministers from Brazil, China,
                                 EU, India, Japan and the United States, and also joined a group of around 20 trade ministers at a
                                 Swiss-hosted meeting on Doha. Ministers renewed their commitment to conclude the Round in
                                 2011. There were positive signs that a political deal was achievable, although ministers recognised
                                 the need for continued intensification of work in Geneva to achieve this.


                                 The latest round of agriculture negotiations was held in Geneva 7–17 February 2011, following meetings
                                 in December and January. In the latest round of negotiations there was a growing sense among
                                 Members of the need to make progress on outstanding issues, and as a result of this there was more
                                 substantive engagement on key issues. The next round of agriculture negotiations will be held in
                                 Geneva in early March.

                                 3.7.3  NAMA

                                 The NAMA negotiating group met in January and February to advance discussions on both non-
                                 tariff barriers (NTBs) and sectoral tariff liberalisation. The Chair convened smaller groups to advance
                                 discussions on cross-cutting NTB proposals, such as proposals concerning transparency and
                                 consultation mechanisms for addressing trade problems. Sectoral tariff liberalisation proponents
                                 continue to meet with potential participants bilaterally. In particular, there has been further discussion
                                 on potential flexibilities that might be required for key developing countries to join sectoral tariff
                                 elimination initiatives. Further progress in this area will be important in determining the prospects of
                                 concluding the Round this year.

                                 3.8 Trade Facilitation

                                 Work is intensifying on trade facilitation, with the recent Negotiating Group meeting on 14-18 February
                                 continuing the review of draft consolidated text. This meeting followed intensive small-group open-
                                 ended meetings held in Geneva which sought to streamline text on individual proposals. Australia is
                                 a co-sponsor and facilitator of the Advance Rulings proposal and has taken a lead role in narrowing
                                 differences on this issue.

                                 3.8.1 Services

                                 As part of the broader effort to seek to conclude the Doha Round, WTO Members reconvened in
                                 Geneva in January and February to intensify negotiations on services. Australia has worked closely
                                 with the US, EU, Japan and Canada to identify what is needed from other Members to achieve a
                                 satisfactory package on services and brought together a group of 30 key members (S30) in February

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