P. 60

Unit 3: Information Products

            construction materials and/or machinery. The advertiser gets assured exposure to targeted  Notes
            customers. Since complimentary copies are sent to senior officials of the Central and State
            Government departments and undertakings who are the decision-makers for approving the list of
            construction machineries and materials, the products advertised in the bulletin gets wide and
            authentic acceptability automatically.
            The object being of rendering service to members, the advertisement rates cover only the cost of
            printing and hence are very reasonable. Advertising in the bulletin not only hits the actual users
            directly but also gives maximum exposure to the advertiser as each copy of the bulletin is read by at
            least six persons.
            The Government of India has set up a joint venture company called “Invest India” in partnership
            with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) and State Governments.
            The aim of “Invest India” is to promote foreign investment in India in a comprehensive and structured
            manner. The company would provide support and assistance to the investors guiding them through
            the various procedures for investment and help them in setting up their business in India. Israeli
            companies which would like to invest/open a business in India, can contact “Invest India” to get
            E-payslips Module
            Safe EMS can now e-mail payslips to employees. This can make life much easier and quicker for
            remote workers who no longer need to rely on traditional post. This can save company considerable
            money in terms of print and postage costs.
            Benefits include:
               no manual labour
                 • no printing
                 • no envelope fulfilment
                 • not using paper
                 • not using ink.
               no franking for postage
               reduced carbon footprint
               reduced margin of error for delivery
               no postage costs

            3.11.7 Return on Investment

            It is estimated that a cost of £1 per payslip accounts for the cost of posting and administering paper
            payslips, taking into account ink, paper, postage costs, and manual intervention. This means that
            paying around 300 employees a week at £1 a payslip equates to a saving of around £15k per annum.
            Based on this calculation you can see that year on year big savings can be made. With a small module
            investment e-payslips can save you and your organisation time and money.

            3.11.8 Notice and Length of Service

            Safe EMS now has a configurable notice period scheme that is based on length of service. For example,
            someone in employment for less than a month may only need to give one week of notice. Someone
            who has been working six months may need to give one month of notice. Another employee who has
            worked for the company for ten years, may need to give six months notice. EMS can now automatically
            populate the correct notice time allowance per employee within the leaver wizard.

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