P. 72

Unit 3: Information Products

            Statements by Organizations                                                              Notes
            This list of scientific bodies of national or international standing, that have issued formal statements
            of opinion, classifies those organizations according to whether they concur with the IPCC view, are
            non-committal, or dissent from it.

            Statements by Concurring Organizations
            Since 2001, 32 national science academies have come together to issue joint declarations confirming
            anthropogenic global warming, and urging the nations of the world to reduce emissions of
            greenhouse gases. The signatories of these statements have been the national science academies:
            of Australia,
            of Belgium,
            of Brazil,
            of Cameroon,
            Royal Society of Canada,
            of the Caribbean,
            of China,
            Institut de France,
            of Ghana,
            Leopoldina of Germany,
            of Indonesia,
            of Ireland,
            Accademia nazionale delle scienze of Italy,
            of India,
            of Japan,
            of Kenya,
            of Madagascar,
            of Malaysia,
            of Mexico,
            of Nigeria,
            Royal Society of New Zealand,
            Russian Academy of Sciences,
            of Senegal,
            of South Africa,
            of Sudan,
            Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
            of Tanzania,
            of Turkey,
            of Uganda,
            The Royal Society of the United Kingdom,
            of the United States,
            of Zambia,
            and of Zimbabwe.

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