P. 122

Jovita Kaur, Lovely Professional University                                     Unit 12: Academic Library

                              Unit 12: Academic Library                                            Notes

            12.1  Academic Library

                 12.1.1  History
                 12.1.2  Management and Change
                 12.1.3  Changes in Academic Libraries
            12.2  Collections and Services Development
            12.3  Evaluation and Effectiveness
            12.4  Summary

            12.5  Keywords
            12.6  Review Questions
            12.7  Further Readings


          After studying this unit, you will be able to:
          •    Know about the academic library

          •    Discuss the collections and services development
          •    Describe the libraries and information society
          •    Explain the evaluation and effectiveness.


          Education aims, among other things, to impart knowledge and make good citizens. Libraries
          are the repositories of knowledge and form an integral part of this process. Academic libraries
          are an integral part of a college, university, or other institution of postsecondary education,
          mandated to meet the information and research needs of its students, faculty, and staff. Academic
          libraries are considered to be the nerve centres of academic institutions and must support
          teaching, research, and other academic programmes. The situation in academic libraries of
          India is the same as that of academic libraries the world over; however, Indian libraries are
          constrained to provide maximum information with limited resources.

          With the advent of computers, the nature of libraries has changed dramatically. Computers
          are being used in libraries to process, store, retrieve and disseminate information. As a result,
          the traditional concept of library is being redefined from a place to access books to the one
          which houses the most advanced media including CD-ROM, Internet, and remote access to a
          wide range of resources. Libraries have now metamorphosed into digital institutions. Gone
          are the days when a library was judged by its quantitative resources. Today, libraries are

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