P. 99
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Notes An example of Social Penetration theory can be seen when one thinks of a hypothetical situation
such as meeting someone for the first time. When two individuals meet for the first time, it
is the cultural expectation that only impersonal information will be exchanged. This could
include information such as names, occupations, age of the conversation participants, as well
as various other impersonal information. However, if both members participating in the dialogic
exchange decide that they would like to continue or further the relationship; with the continuation
of message exchanges, the more personal the information exchanged will become.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
1. In recent years ...... to be a major driver of economic growth in both the United States
and Western Europe.
2. GEM stands for ...... .
3. United Kingdom’s Enterprise Week, which launched in ...... .
4. A worldwide celebration and promotion of youth entrepreneurship, which started in ...... .
9.3 Summary
• Entrepreneurship is a process through which individuals identify opportunities, allocate
resources, and create value.
• Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as “one who
undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations
into economic goods”.
• It has assumed super importance for accelerating economic growth both in developed
and developing countries.
• Financial bootstrapping is a term used to cover different methods for avoiding using the
financial resources of external investors.
• Interpersonal communication is usually defined by communication scholars in numerous
ways, usually describing participants who are dependent upon one another and have a
shared history.
• Interpersonal communication includes message sending and message reception between
two or more individuals.
• Direct channels are obvious and easily recognized by the receiver.
• Indirect channels are usually recognized subconsciously by the receiver, and are not
always under direct control of the sender.
• Coordinated management of meaning is a theory assuming that two individuals engaging
in an interaction are each constructing their own interpretation and perception behind
what a conversation means.
9.4 Keywords
Bootstrap : A loop at the back of a boot.
Insinuate : Suggest in an indirect and unpleasant way.