P. 50

Unit 6: Establishment of Social Science Research Institutions

                 y  ICSSR, an autonomous body, sponsors social science research programmes and projects in   Notes
                  the country; administers grant to institutions and individuals; awards fellowship; sponsor
                  and arrange technical training in research methodology and provide guidance for research;
                  develop and support library and documentation centres for providing information services in
                  social sciences; organises and support seminars, workshops and study groups and undertakes
                  publication work in social sciences.
                 y  University Grant Commission has been establishing Inter University Centres (IUCs) to provide
                  common state-of-the-art equipment and facilities to the researchers working in different
                  universities, since heavy investment in infrastructure and input is beyond the reach of the
                  individual university for research purposes.
                 y  The subject matter of research in social sciences, viz., human society and human behaviour
                  is too complex, varied and changing to yield to the scientific categorization, measurement,
                  analysis and prediction.
                 y  A social scientist faces certain human problems, which the natural scientist is spared. These
                  problems are varied and include refusal of respondents, improper understanding of questions
                  by them, their loss of memory, their reluctance to furnish certain information, etc.

            6.6   Keywords

            NASSDOC: National Social Science Documentation Centre
            ICSSR: Indian Council of Social Science Research
            IDPAD: INDO-DUTCH Programme on Alternatives in Development
            DOCAS: Documentation Centre for Asian Studies
            NISSS: National Information System in Social Sciences
            IACIS: Indo-American Centre for International Studies
            IUCHSS: Inter University Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences

            6.7   Review Questions

               1.   What  are  the  key  initiatives  taken  by  the  Indian  Government  for  social  science
               2.   Discuss the role and functioning of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).
               3.   Write a note on role of UGC in social science research.
               4.   What are the major problems occurring in social science research and development?

            Answers: Self Assessment

               1.   Behaviour                          2.   1969
               3.   National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC)
               4.   1964                               5.   UGC-IUC
               6.   Human problems                     7.   Decisions

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