P. 139

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes              DOEACC Center, Gorakhpur
                                        Indian Institute of Technology , Guwahati
                                        ERNET VSAT HUB, Bangalore
                                        Tezpur University

                                   12.4.3  The Objectives of ERNET

                                        ERNET operations,  i.e., providing state-of-the-art communication infrastructure and
                                         services to academic and research institutions, Govt, organisations, NGOs, private sector
                                         R&D organisations, and various other non-commercial organisations;
                                        Research and  development;
                                        Training and consultancy;
                                        Content development.


                                        Foundation of a national capability building in the area of computer networking laid through:
                                         Setting up of a chain of core groups as the participating agencies with a minimal set of lab
                                         facilities and creation of skilled manpower to carry out R&D
                                        Generating manpower at different levels
                                        Making the world of standards (TCP/IP, OSI etc.) well understood
                                        Providing an insight into emerging issues such as ATM networks, networked multimedia,
                                         and information infrastructure
                                        Net-work infrastructure and services set up, including
                                        Installation, maintenance and operation of large campus LANs
                                        Design, commissioning and testing of SATWAN hub and the installation of VSATs
                                        Seamless interconnection of LAN-WAN segments and multi-protocol capability provided
                                        Provision of the whole range of Internet services
                                        Deployment of TDM/TDMA based VSAT network for Internet access
                                        Research and Development
                                        Research and development in the area of computer networking has been the forte of ERNET.

                                     Task  How research and development and training are integral parts of ERNET activities?

                                   Self Assessment
                                   Multiple choice questions:
                                      4. Information and library network is a major national programme initiated by UGC
                                         in .................... .
                                          (a) 1988                          (b) 2002
                                          (c) 1991                          (d) 1992
                                      5. The head quarters of Information and library network is situated at .................... .
                                          (a) Delhi                         (b) Mumbai
                                          (c) Mysore                        (d) Ahamedabad
                                      6. ERNET practically brought the internet  to India and has built of national capabilities in the
                                         area of:
                                          (a) Computer                      (b) Networking
                                          (c) Internet                      (d) Technology

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