P. 144

Unit 12: Libraries and Information Centers in India

            NIC is working towards informatics programme development at the block level to strengthen  Notes
            micro-level Planning, Rural Development, Land Records Management, Panchayati Raj Institutions
            etc., and to facilitate block development and tehsil revenue administrations at the sub-district level.

            12.5.2 NICNET Facilities

            NICNET was designed and implemented by NIC using state-of-the-satellite-based computer-
            communication technology. Keeping in view the wide geographic spread of the country, ranging
            from islands in Indian ocean to the highest Himalayan ranges, in design of NICNET, which is one
            of the largest VSAT networks of its kind in the world, ensures extremely cost effective and reliable
            NICNET has now become an integral part of a large number of Government and Corporate sector
            organizations, providing information exchange services. NICNET services include File Transfer,
            Electronic Mail, Remote Database Access, Data broadcast and EDI. In times of natural calamities
            like cyclones. NICNET has served as the basic message communication facility in the calamity-
            affected areas.
            A large number of users including banks, financial institutions, exporters, ports and custom houses
            are targeted for provision of EDI services on NICNET.

              Notes  NICNET provides gateway to International Networks for Electronic Mail, Database
                    Access and EDI services.

            Self Assessment

            State whether the following statements are true or false:
              10. NIC launched its district information system programme in 1987.
              11. NIC has implemented land records computerisation in 16 pilot districts.
              12. The DISNIC programme is operational in 500 districts throughout the Country.
              13. NICNET was designed and implemented by NIC using state-of the satellite-based com-
                  puter communication technology.

            12.6  Summary
                  Information and Library Network (INFLIBNET) Centre is an Autonomous Inter-Univer-
                  sity Centre (IUC) of University Grants Commission, Government of India, involved in
                  creating infrastructure for sharing of library and information resources and services
                  among Academic and Research Institutions.
                  Centre is an autonomous Inter-University Centre of the University Grants Commission
                  (UGC) of India.
                  To promote and establish communication facilities to improve capability in information
                  transfer and access, that provide support to scholarship, learning, research and academic
                  pursuit through cooperation and involvement of agencies concerned.
                  ERNET is largest nationwide terrestrial and satellite network with point of presence lo-
                  cated at the premiere educational and research institutions in major cities of the country.
                  ERNET was initiated in 1986 by the Department of Electronics (DoE), with funding sup-
                  port from the Government of India and United Nations Development Program (UNDP),
                  involving eight premier institutions as participating agencies-NCST (National Centre
                  for Software Technology) Bombay, IISc (Indian Institute of Science) Bangalore, five IITs
                  (Indian Institutes of Technology) at Delhi, Bombay, Kanpur, Kharagpur and Madras, and
                  the DoE, New Delhi.
                  The DISNIC programme is operational in 440 districts throughout the Country.
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