P. 44

Unit 3: Library Software Packages-II

            Configure Menu: This allows you to change the language in which menus, windows, prompts and  Notes
            system messages will be displayed. When you select this, a list of available languages is displayed
            from which you may select the one desired. Once selected, a language remains in effect until you
            change it again. It allows display of the current parameter settings.
            Utilities Menu: This allows you to add or delete a field with specified contents to a range of Master
            file records. It also allows adding or deleting or replacing a field with specified contents to all the
            records retrieved by a given search.  Windows Menu: It arranges windows so that they overlap,
            starting in the upper-left corner of the main CDS/ISIS window. Help Menu provides helps In
            troubleshooting while working with the software.
            Windows Version (WINISIS): The Windows version (compatible with Windows 3.1x, 95, 98, Me,
            NT4 and Win 2000), version 1.4 was released in January 2001 has been totally re-written in C++
            language (as against Pascal in DOS and Unix versions). This move provides a common standardized
            language for all platforms - DOS, Windows, Unix etc. This reduces maintenance costs, increases
            portability, and renders implementation of client-server architecture easy. No conversion is needed
            when moving from CDS/ISIS DOS to CDS\ISIS for Windows. Same database and inverted files of
            DOS can be used here. Some changes in formatting language and displays however occur
            (Vyasamurthy, 2001). It includes all the features  of  the MS-DOS version except some database
            utilities such  as  the database re- initialization. It is designed for current MS-DOS users who wish
            to migrate to the Windows environment, as well as for new users
            The ISIS for Windows (WINISIS) plays an important role for automation of library operations in
            developing countries like India because of its easy-to-use features, convenient availability,
            negligible cost of implementation, continuous development and support from UNESCO, and a
            large user community. Recent developments in WINISIS, such as web-enabled interface, tools for
            data conversions into bibliographic standards and handling of digital documents, have made it a
            potential tool for development and management of digital libraries.
            Due to fast expansion of higher education in India in the recent years, a large number of new and
            established institutions are embarking upon implementation of ICT for provision of library and
            information services. There is also increasing interest among information professionals to use
            open source information processing tools, such as WINISIS, Greenstone, DSpace, EPrint, etc.
            However, limited training opportunities in non-metropolis are an impediment to the spread of
            these tools. About 30 informational professionals and 5 trainers were trained during the workshop
            at Thapar University, which attempted to fulfill this need of library and information community.
            The objective of the workshop was to equip existing and potential users of WINISIS with skills in
            the advanced features of the software, such as hyper-linking, web interfacing, full text document
            processing and exchange of data.
            The format of the workshop was designed to offer a flexible learning environment that included
            lecture demonstration, group activities, visits/access to library databases for live demonstration
            and extensive practical training. WINISIS and other supporting products were distributed to the

            Self Assessment
            State whether the following statements are true or false:
               5. Winisis, the window version first demonstrated in 1995, may run on a single computer or
                  in a local area network.
               6. Browse menu is the bottom part of the menu normally contains the list of the most recently
                  opened databases.

            3.5  Summary

                  The SOUL is state-of-the-art library automation software designed and developed by the
                  Catalogue Process function allows to pick-up the accessioned item, under process, for the
                  cataloguing purpose.
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