P. 39

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         Reports module allows generation of catalogue cards as per AACR-II, generation of recent editions
                                   reports subject and class number wise and other related reports. The catalogue module basically
                                   supports all major functions relating to technical processing and has been designed as per the
                                   international standards.

                                     Task State the role of user services in Cataloguing module.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                      1. The SOUL is divided into ………. broad modules.
                                      2. Acquisition module comprises ………. broad sub-modules.

                                   3.3.3  Circulation Module

                                   Circulation being vital front-end function of any library, sufficient care has been taken in designing
                                   this module to achieve transactions within minimum possible time. This module has provision
                                   for all possible function handled in a typical academic library, i.e. membership, issues, returns,
                                   ILL, reminders, over dues, reservations, recall, etc. All these functions have been organized into
                                   following eight logical sub-modules as given in Figure 3.4.

                                                                      Figure 3.4

                                        Membership                            Transactions
                                        Inter-Library-Loan                    Overdue collection
                                        Reminder                              Status Search
                                        Reports                               Maintenance.
                                   Membership sub-module provides the facility to create all types of member records, assigning
                                   unique membership code, borrowing privileges, renewal, issue of no-due certificates, master
                                   databases for codes, etc, searching the status of membership or an item, suspending the membership
                                   and generating related reports.
                                   Transactions: Transactions mean handling all major functions such as issue, return, renewal,
                                   reservation, recall or reminder of an item, etc. This module also handles cancellation of reserved
                                   books, lost/missing books, searching the member status and searching catalogue, module etc.
                                   Transaction is based on Accession number and Member code. This module supports generating
                                   and readings of bar code labels. A unique facility in this module allows one to see simultaneously
                                   the details of members, items borrowed, dues, etc. while the transaction process is on. This enables
                                   issue counter staff as well end-user to know the exact status of the members borrowing.
                                   Inter Library Loan allows lending of items to specified member library and also borrowing items
                                   from other libraries, issues, reminders, etc. This sub-module has been developed comprehensively
                                   to take care of all the details of user libraries, individuals and items loaned.
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