P. 34

Jovita Kaur, Lovely Professional University                           Unit 3: Library Software Packages-II

                        Unit 3: Library Software Packages-II


                3.1 Software for University Library (SOUL)
                     3.1.1 Hardware and Software Requirement
                3.2 Features of SOUL
                3.3 Modules of SOUL
                     3.3.1 Acquisition Module
                     3.3.2 Cataloguing Module
                     3.3.3 Circulation Module
                     3.3.4 Serials Module
                     3.3.5 Online Public Access Catalogue Module (OPAC)
                     3.3.6 Administration Module
                3.4 Winisis
                3.5 Summary
                3.6 Keywords
                3.7 Review Questions
                3.8 Further Readings


            After studying this unit, you will be able to:
                  State the meaning of software for university library
                  Explain Hardware and software requirement
                  Discuss modules of SOUL in library software packages
                  Describe what winsis is.


            In this unit entitled user friendly software developed to work under client server environment. In
            order to design this software, the international standards, biblio graphic formats networking
            protocols and typical functions of all types and sizes of libraries particularly at university level are
            takes in to account.
            We have to consider the followings to evaluate the software packages.

            3.1  Software for University Library (SOUL)

            The SOUL is state-of-the-art library automation software designed and developed by the
            INFLIBNET. It is user-friendly software developed to work under client-server environment.
            Although, looking at the name of the software, one may think that it is meant for University
            libraries only, but in fact it is flexible enough to be used for automating any type or size of library
            in India. While designing this software, the international standards, bibliographic formats,
            networking protocols, and typical functions of all types and sizes of libraries, particularly at
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