P. 36

Unit 3: Library Software Packages-II

                  Incorporates all required features to work in a networked environment i.e., LAN and  Notes
                  OPAC is versatile and very user-friendly with all options in-built.
                  OPAC is accessible over the web using any GUI-based browsers.
                  Provides comprehensive list of reports, master databases and authority files.
                  Provides facility to create, view and print records in regional languages.
                  Functionally it covers every conceivable operation of University library.
                  Available at affordable cost.
                  SOUL has been fully tested at a number of university libraries and critically evaluated by
                  team of experts and practising librarians.

            3.3  Modules of SOUL

            The SOUL has been divided into following six broad modules as shown in Figure 3.1.
                  Acquisition Module
                  Cataloguing Module
                  Circulation Module
                  Serials Module
                  OPAC Module
                  Administration Module
                                              Figure 3.1

            These modules have further been divided into sub-modules looking at the nature of functions
            handled by various functional divisions in University libraries. Brief descriptions of the same
            along with first screens have been given in the following pages.

            3.3.1 Acquisition Module
            This particular module provides facilities to handle work relating to acquisition of reading materials
            of all types except serials, starting from suggestion/recommendation by faculty till accessioning,
            invoice processing. Acquisition module comprises following six broad sub-modules as given in
            Figure 3.2.

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