P. 37

Information Technology and Application

                                                                     Figure 3.2

                                        Suggestion                            Order processing
                                        Receiving/Accessioning                Payment
                                        Master Databases                      Reports
                                   Suggestion: Sub-module enables creation/updation of databases of new items suggested by a
                                   faculty member along with bibliographical details and also suggestor’s details such as name,
                                   department, user code, budget code etc. Books received through placement of purchase orders as
                                   well as those received as gratis are handled from this module. Selecting items for approval,
                                   incorporating further details like approval date, budget head, approver’s name, rejected items, its
                                   date and reasons for rejection are also handled here. Number of required reports having combination
                                   of several fields can be easily generated.
                                   Order Processing: Selecting the items for ordering, vendor/publisher selection, assigning order
                                   and reference number, setting deadlines for supply and other details can be done under this sub-
                                   module. Facilities for sending reminders, canceling orders, generating certain reports specific to
                                   these modules, are provided.
                                   Receiving/Accessioning: This function supports cross checking with order, receiving partial/full
                                   supply of items listed in order, duplicate checking with an existing title, assigning accession
                                   numbers along with further necessary details required and merging the records with existing
                                   database, if items are already in the collections.
                                   Payments: Payments sub-module allows processing of the regular invoices, advance payments,
                                   and recording of every information pertaining to each invoice including conversion rates, handling
                                   charges discounts etc. Facility for generating reminders to supplier or publisher. Searching the
                                   status of payment and generation of reports are other strong features added in this sub-module.
                                   Master Databases: Publisher, vendor, Currency and budget codes (both source wise and department
                                   wise) are few major master databases that are frequently handled/created here. Updation, deletion
                                   of all this is possible from here.
                                   Reports: There are 13 major reports relating to acquisition that can be created with number of
                                   parameters. Acquisition module is capable of handling almost every function that is being carried
                                   out in acquisition division of university libraries.

                                   3.3.2 Cataloguing Module
                                   Catalogue module function begins with selecting the items that have already been accessioned in
                                   the previous module and furnishing rest of the information as per AACR-II rules. Providing user
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