P. 66

Unit 5: Types of Database

            level for an application well supports most of the needed external views. The conceptual view also  Notes
            determines the internal level (which primarily deals with data layout in storage) to a great extent.
            External views requirement may add supporting storage structures, like indexes, for enhanced
            performance. Typically the internal layer is optimized for top performance, in an average way
            that takes into account performance requirements (possibly conflicting) of different external views
            according to their relative importance. While the conceptual and external levels design can usually
            be done independently of any DBMS (DBMS-independent design software packages exist, possibly
            with interfaces to some specific popular DBMSs), the internal level design highly relies on the
            capabilities and internal data structure of the specific DBMS utilized.
            A common way to carry out conceptual level design is to use the Entity-relationship model (ERM)
            (both the basic one, and with possible enhancement that it has gone over), since it provides a
            straightforward, intuitive perception of an application’s elements. An alternative approach, which
            preceded the ERM, is using the Relational model and dependencies (mathematical relationships)
            among data to normalize the database, i.e., to define the (“optimal”) relations (data tupple types)
            in the database. Though a large body of research exists for this method it is more complex, less
            intuitive, and not more effective than the ERM method. Thus normalization is less utilized in
            practice than the ERM method.
            Another aspect of database design is its security. It involves both defining access control to database
            objects (e.g., Entities, Views) as well as defining security levels and methods for the data itself (See
            Database security above).

            Entities and Relationships

            The most common database design methods are based on the Entity relationship model (ERM, or
            ER model). It consists of “Entities” and the “Relationships” among them. Accordingly a database
            consists of entity and relationship types, each with defined attributes (field types) that model
            concrete entities and relationships. Modeling a database in this way typically yields an effective
            one with desired properties (as in some normal forms; see normalization below). Such model can
            be translated to any other data model (e.g., Relational model) required by any specific DBMS for
            building an effective database.

            Database Normalization
            In the design of a relational database, the process of organizing database relations to minimize
            redundancy is called normalization. The goal is to produce well-structured relations so that additions,
            deletions, and modifications of a field can be made in just one relation (table) without worrying
            about appearance and update of the same field in other relations. The process is algorithmic and
            based on dependencies (mathematical relations) that exist among relations’ field types. The process
            results in bringing the database relations into a certain “normal form”. Several normal forms exist
            with different properties.

            Database Building, Maintaining, and Tuning

            After designing a database for an application arrives the stage of building the database. Typically
            an appropriate general-purpose DBMS can be selected to be utilized for this purpose. A DBMS
            provides the needed user interfaces to be utilized by database administrators (e.g., Data definition
            language interface) to define the needed application’s data structures within the DBMS’s respective
            data model. Other user interfaces are used to select needed DBMS parameters (like storage allocation
            parameters, etc.).
            After completing the database and making it operational arrives the database maintenance stage:
            Various database parameters may need to be changed and tuning for better performance,
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