P. 70

Unit 5: Types of Database

            5.6  Review Questions                                                                  Notes

               1. Define Database and its types.
               2. Write short note on Access control.
               3. What is meant by database storage?
               4. Write briefly on database design.
               5. Write down the benefits of Database Management.
               6. Explain the bibliographic database.
               7. Explain the types of database.
               8. Elaborately discuss on database architecture with neat sketch.

            Answers : Self Assessment

               1. Data warehouses        2. Operational database   3. Build in-security
               4. (a)                    5. (c)                    6. (a)
               7. True                   8. True

            5.7  Further Readings

               Books      C. W. Bachmann, The Programmer as Navigator.
                          Graves, Steve. COTS Databases for Embedded Systems, Embedded
                          Computing Design magazine, January, 2007. Retrieved on August 13, 2008.
                          TeleCommunication Systems Signs up as a Reseller of TimesTen; Mobile Operators
                          and Carriers Gain Real-Time Platform for Location-Based Services. Business
                          Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence by Iyad Rahwan, Guillermo R. Simari.

              Online links

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