P. 73

Information Technology and Application

                     Notes         Uses

                                   The use of ICTs in education extends beyond classrooms with computers and an Internet connection.
                                   There is a wide variety of ICTs currently available to schools and universities that can be
                                   implemented to enhance students’ overall learning experiences in numerous ways. Those schools
                                   and universities that have implemented ICTs primarily use these technologies to fulfill three
                                        Increase Networking Opportunities: ICTs helps connect schools to other schools, as well as
                                         individuals within those schools to one another. This ability to network is especially
                                         important for students in rural areas and students in developing countries.
                                        Provide Distance Learning: With the advent of ICTs, learning has become Web-based. As
                                         a result, ICTs have started to replace correspondence schools.
                                        Supplement Traditional Learning: One of the most common uses of ICTs in education
                                         involves students using software programmes such as Microsoft Word to produce other-
                                         wise traditional written assignments.

                                   As with other technologies that have been implemented in education throughout the years, ICTs
                                   offer a number of advantages to both students and educators when successfully integrated into a
                                   learning environment. Some of these advantages include:
                                        Increased Access to Resources: Unlike the traditional classroom that is locked at the end of the
                                         school day, ICTs allow students to access educational resources from anywhere at any time.
                                        Interactive Learning Experiences: Many educators deliver information to their students in
                                         the form of lectures. ICTs allow students to access information through videos, podcasts,
                                         and a variety of other interactive media, which creates a more engaging learning experi-
                                         ence for students.
                                        Student-Centered Learning: In a traditional classroom, students cannot control how
                                         lessons are planned. Through the use of ICTs, students can take control of their learning
                                         experiences. Students can decide when class is in session, as well as how the lesson material
                                         will be presented.

                                     Did u know?  Increased access to resources is especially valuable for students with special
                                                needs and those students who live in rural areas or developing countries.


                                   Although ICTs can enhance student learning in many ways, there are some disadvantages associated
                                   with implementing these sophisticated technologies in schools and universities around the world.
                                   Some of these disadvantages include:
                                        High Costs: Implementing ICTs in the education setting can be quite costly regarding
                                         updating existing infrastructures, training teachers and developing quality course materials.
                                         To make matters worse, funding for such projects is often scarce.
                                        Teacher Training: Many teachers are unfamiliar with using ICTs in the classroom and are
                                         resistant to incorporating such technologies into their established pedagogies. To succeed,
                                         the use of ICTs in education needs to be supported by well-trained teachers.
                                        Uncertain Success Rates: Currently, no large-scale studies have been conducted that show
                                         whether or not the use of ICTs in an educational setting will result in a measurable increase
                                         in individual student achievement, making school administrators hesitant to invest in
                                         these technologies.

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