P. 74

Unit 6: Information and Communications Technology


              Task List some uses of ICT.

            6.2  Fundamentals of Communication

            Most of the verbal communication is from one individual to another. This is true whether in a
            family, social, or a work setting. One to one verbal communication affords the greatest opportunity
            for precision, because immediate feedback can tell one whether understood accurately. But
            communicating effectively involves more than just accuracy.

              Notes  The purpose of most communication is to influence the attitudes and behaviors of
                    those whom we address.
            Since, the human race is composed of billions of individuals, each with a different way of responding,
            no one approach is universally effective. So, it is important that learning to express oneself accurately
            and in a way that will accomplish one’s purpose towards the individual.

            The Basic Process of Communication

            To achieve precision and effectiveness in communicating, you should understand the basic process
            of communication. It has four requirements:
                  A message must be conveyed.
                  The message must be received.
                  There must be a response.
                  Each message must be understood.
            Let’s look at these requirements one at a time.
            A Message must be conveyed that sounds simple enough. You know what your thoughts are, and
            you know how to translate them into words. But that’s where we lose the simplicity.
            Each of us has our own mental dialect. It is the common language of the culture in which we grow
            up, modified by our own unique life’s experiences. Our life’s experiences add color and shades of
            meaning to different words. When you speak, your mental dialect must be translated into the
            mental dialect of the hearer. So the words you speak acquire a different color when they pass
            through the ears of the person who hears you.

            A Message Must be Received

            The second basic requirement of the one to one communication process is that the message be
            received and understood. Effective communicators know that they have not conveyed their meaning
            until they have made sure that the other person has received it exactly as they sent it. They test,
            with questions and observations, to make sure that the real meaning they wanted to convey has
            passed through the filters and has been received and understood.

              Task State your views how communication is important to us.

            Necessity of Response

            The goal of all communication is to obtain the desired response. Communication is not just an act.
            It is a process. The process of communication includes transmission of information, ideas, emotions,
            skills, and knowledge by using symbols, words, pictures, figures, graphs, or illustrations. The act

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