P. 227

Macro Economics

                                     Caution  Thus, the equations of exchange in its simplest for appears as:
                                                                     PT = MV

                                     V and T are assumed as constants because at a point of time, given the size and composition
                                     of population, tastes, techniques, resources, purchase habits of the people, etc., the volume
                                     of trade transacted, T and the velocity of circulation of money, V, do not change.

                                          P =   M, where = some constant, c
                                          P = cM

                                          dP/dM = c
                                     and dP/dM x M/P = 1
                                   This  reads that the money elasticity of price level is unitary. That is,  a given change in  the
                                   quantity of money, M, through any instrument of monetary policy, will induce a same directional
                                   and same proportional change in the general level of prices. An increase in money supply will
                                   raise  the price level and it  will  thus  be inflationary  whereas a  dear  money  policy will  be
                                   deflationary. Monetary policy operates thus because of constancy in V and T. If, for one reason
                                   or the other, the so called constancy assumption does not hold, the entire mechanism of money
                                   policy breaks down.


                                     Caution  According to the Keynesian school of thought, money policy does not affect the
                                     price level, rather it affects the level of real income and that too ‘indirectly’.

                                                           Figure  13.1:Tary  Policy  Mechanism

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