P. 109

Elective English–II

                 Notes          2.   Who is the most trusted friend of the Labadoor family?

                                3.   How does the story in ‘A Flight of Pigeons’ start?
                                4.   From whom did Ruskin Bond get this story?

                                Answers: Self Assessment

                                1.  Shahjahanpur                       2.   1963
                                3.  The Lamp is Lit,                   4.   Vietnamese  girl

                                8.8    Further Readings

                                Books  Bond, Ruskin.  Scenes from a Writer’s Life: A Memoir.  New Delhi: Penguin, 1997,
                                       p. 28-29.
                                       Bond, Ruskin.  Scenes from a Writer’s Life: A Memoir.  New Delhi: Penguin, 1997,
                                       p. 154-55.

                                Online links

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