Page 5 - DHIS101History of Ancient India
P. 5

G.     √Ú‰ Ôπæ◊: ◊πÍ ÚßÙ ¡Â∂ ¿πÈ∑ª Á∂ ¿πÂ≈«Ë’≈∆ (√øÈ GE@ ¬∆. Âæ’) √≈Ó≈‹ Á∆¡ª ≈‹È∆«Â’ √ß√Ê≈Úª «Úæ⁄ Í«ÚÂÈ,
                       ¡Ê«ÚÚ√Ê≈ ¡Â∂ √Ó≈‹, √≈«‘Â, «Ú«◊¡≈È ¡Â∂ ’Ò≈Õ √ÓπßÁ ◊πÍ “Ì≈ Á≈ ÈÀÍØÒ∆¡È” : √≈Ó≈‹ Á≈ «Ú√Ê≈, ÔπæË ¡Â∂
                       ÍzÙ≈√È, ◊πÍ √≈Ó≈‹ Á≈ «Úÿ‡ÈÕ (the Golden Period: Guptas and their Successors (to C750 AD), Changes
                       in Political Organization of Empire, Economy and Society, Literature and Sciences, Arts, Samudragupta ‘The
                       Indian Napoleon’: Extent of the Empire, Battles and Administration, Disintegration of the Gupta Empire.)

                H.     Ë≈«Ó’ ¡ßÁØÒÈ : ‹ÀÈ ËÓ ¡Â∂ ÏπæË ËÓ, ÚËÓ≈È Ó‘≈Ú∆ ¡Â∂ ◊ΩÂÓ ÏπæË Á≈ ¡ßÙÁ≈ÈÕ ‹ÀÈ ËÓ Á∂ ÍÂÈ Á∂ ’≈È, ÏπæË
                       ËÓ Á∂ «Ú√Ê≈ Á≈ ÿ‡’, √Â±Í Ú≈√’Ò≈, ÏπæË ËÓ Á∆¡ª ÍzßÍ≈Úª ¡Â∂ «ÚË∆¡ªÕ (religious Movements: Jainism
                       and Buddhism, Vardhamana Mahavira’s and Gautama Buddha’s Contribution. Causes of Decline of Jainism,
                       Factors for the Spread of Buddhism, Stupa Architecture, Buddhist Customs and Manners.)
                I.     Ì≈◊ÚÂÚ≈Á ÙÀÚÚ≈Á ¡Â∂ Ïz≈‘Ó‰Ú≈Á: Óπæ÷ «ÚÙ∂ÙÂ≈Úª, Óπæ÷ Ù≈√’, Ì≈ «Úæ⁄ «Ú√Ê≈Õ (Bhagvatism, shaivism and
                       Brahmanism: Main Characteristics, Important Leaders, Extent in India.)

               A@.     ≈‹ «ÈÓ≈‰ ¡Â∂ È◊Δ’È: È◊∆’È, √Ó≈‹, ≈‹È∆«Â’ «¬«Â‘≈√, Ó‘≈‹ÈÍÁ≈√, ≈‹ÂßÂ ¡Â∂ ◊‰ÂßÂ, ≈‹ÂßÂ
                       «Úæ⁄ ÍzÙ≈√ÈÕ (state formation and Urbanization: Urbanization, Society, Political History, Mahajanapadas,
                       Monarchies and Republics, Administration in Monarchies.)
               AA.     Ó≈‰ «⁄æÂ
                       J «√ß˱ ÿ≈‡∆ Á∆ √æ«Ì¡Â≈ Á∂ Ó‘æÂÚͱÈ «¬«Â‘≈«√’ √Ê≈ÈÕ
                       J ¡ÙØ’ Á≈ √≈Ó≈‹
                       J √ÓπßÁ ◊πÍ Á≈ √≈Ó≈‹Õ
                       J ◊πÍ √≈Ó≈‹ Á≈ «Ú√Ê≈Õ
                       J Importance Historical Places of Indus Valley Civilization.
                       J Ashoka’s Empire.
                       J Empire of Samudragupta.
                       J Extent of Gupta Empire.
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