P. 4


                                              Íz≈⁄ΔÈ Ì≈ Á≈ «¬«Â‘≈√
                                             (History of Ancient india)

               J    Íz≈⁄∆È √æ«Ì¡Â≈ «Úæ⁄ «√ß˱ ¡Â∂ ÚÀ«Á’ √æ«Ì¡Â≈ ˘ √Ófi ÍzÁ≈È ’È √ÏßË∆Õ

               J    Íz≈⁄∆È ’≈Ò «Úæ⁄ Ì≈Â∆ ËÓ ¡Â∂ √Ó≈‹ «Úæ⁄ «Ú’≈√ ¡Â∂ «¬«Â‘≈«√’ «Ú’≈√ ˘ √Ófi‰ √ÏßË∆Õ
               J    Íz≈⁄∆È Ì≈ «Úæ⁄ ≈‹È∆«Â’ «Ú’≈√, √≈Ó≈‹Ú≈Á ¡Â∂ ≈‹’∆ ≈‹È∆Â∆ √Ófi‰ √ÏßË∆Õ
               J    Úæ÷-Úæ÷ ÍzÂ∆ÔØ◊∆ «Íz«÷¡≈Úª «Úæ⁄ «Ú«Á¡≈Ê∆¡ª ˘ ÓÁÁ ’È √ÏßË∆Õ


               J    To provide an understanding to Ancient Indian Civilization such as Indus and Vedic.
               J    To understand the historical developments and changes in the Indian religion and society during Ancient times.

               J    To understand the political developments, imperialism and monarchial polity of ancient India.
               J    To help the students to prepare for various competitive exams.

             ÒÛΔ Èø.                                        «ÚÙ≈ (topics)
              s. no.

                A.     Íz≈⁄ΔÈ Ì≈ÂΔ «¬«Â‘≈√ Á∂ √≈‘Ó‰∂:- √≈«‘Â, Íπ≈ÂÚ, «ÙÒ≈Ò∂÷, ÓπÁ≈Ù≈√Â, «ÚÁ∂Ù∆ Ô≈Â∆¡ª Á∆ «◊‰Â∆Õ (evidences
                       of Ancient indian History: Literature, Archaeology, Epigraphy, Numismatics, Foreign Travellers Account.)
                       ÌΩ«Â’ √π«ÚË≈Úª : Ì≈ Á∆¡ª ÌΩ«Â’ √π«ÚË≈Úª ¡Â∂ Ì≈Â∆ «¬«Â‘≈√ ”Â∂ ¿πÈ∑ª Á≈ ÍzÌ≈ÚÕ (Physical features: Physical
                       Features of India and their Influence on the Indian History.)
                B.     ͱÚ  «¬«Â‘≈«√’  ÍzßÍ≈Úª:  Í≈«Ò˙«Ò«Ê’,  Ó∂√Ø«Ò«Ê’,  «È¿»«Ò«Ê’,  ⁄≈Ò’Ø«Ò«Ê’Õ (the Pre-Historic cultures:
                       Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic.)
                C.     «√ß˱ ÿ≈‡Δ ÁΔ √æ«Ì¡Â≈ : «Ú√Ê≈, ’≈Ò¥Ó, ¿πÂÍÂ∆, √Ó≈‹, ËÓ ¡Â∂ ÍÂÈ ‘؉ Á∂ ’≈ÈÕ (indus Valley civilization:
                       Extent, Chronology, Origin, Society, Religion and Causes of Decline.)
                D.     ÚÀ«Á’ Ôπæ◊: Ó±Ò Ú≈√Ê≈È, ¡≈∆¡È√, ≈‹È∆«Â’, √Ó≈«‹’, Ë≈«Ó’ ¡Â∂ ¡≈«Ê’ ‹∆ÚÈ, «√ß˱ ÿ≈‡∆ Á∆ √æ«Ì¡Â≈ ¡Â∂ ÚÀ«Á’
                       √æ«Ì¡Â≈ «Úæ⁄ «Ú«ÌßÈÂ≈ ¡Â∂ √Ó≈ÈÂ≈Úª (the Vedic Age: Original Homelands, The Aryans, Political, Social,
                       Religious and Economic Life, Difference and Similarities between Indus Civilization and Vedic Culture.)
                E.     ÍzÚÂΔ ÚÀ«Á’ Ôπæ◊: ≈‹È∆«Â’, √Ó≈«‹’, Ë≈«Ó’ ¡Â∂ ¡≈«Ê’ ‹∆ÚÈÕ (the Later-Vedic Age: Political, Social,
                       Religious and Economic Life.)
                F.     ÓΩ«¡≈: ⁄ßÁ ◊ÍÂ, «ÏßÁ±√≈, ¡ÙØ’ (¡ÙØ’ Ë≈Ó: ◊π‰ ¡Â∂ «¬√ Á≈ «Ú√Ê≈), ¡ÙØ’ Á∂ ¿πÂ≈«Ë’≈∆Õ [the Mauryas:
                       Chandragupta, Bindusara, Ashok (Ashok Dhamm: its Nature and Propagation), Successors of Ashok]
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